Chapter 27

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"Bad news never have good timing"


"I am sweating like a pig" Ari said nervous pacing back and forth.

"Ari stop your making me more nervous than i already am" Clair said shaking her legs.

"Ari, babe stop you got this" Ian said to her cupping her face which made me smile from how sweet they were together.

"Are you nervous?" Kai asked coming to stand beside me.

"No" I simply reply.

"Really because you're playing with your hands and biting your lips" He said making me look at him and realize I was doing both the stuff he listed.

"Okay a little bit, this is the final exam, this determine our future so of course i'm nervous" I said panicking as I list all the reason why i'm nervous about this exam.

"You got this Ally, you're one of the smartest girl i know if anybody should be nervous it should be me after all I am the delinquent and as my father always says change your ways or you'll end up as nothing" he said laughing but I know he was hurt by his father words.

"I've help you study for the past three weeks every day, I mean come on it's me, i'm a great teachers you will pass, in fact if you don't I'll be all on you butt I know you'll make me a proud teacher" I said smiling at him hoping to cheer him up.

"Yea you are, thanks for that by the way helping me out while you had to study yourself" he said smiling at me.

"No problems, it was like studying also while helping you and our little study group was nice" Sometime it would be Kai and I alone studying but sometimes the gang would join us and we would have a blast studying.

Yea I know who even have a blast while studying, well this nerd right here pal.

"Okay student, you may now enter" Mr Hendricks said opening the class door for us to go inside.

"Good luck" Kai said kissing me on the cheeks giving me a thumbs up. I resort in same and a thumbs up but my face was on fire and a zoo got loose in my stomach a zoo of butterflies.

Everyone sat down and when the teacher saw that we all were settle in they began telling us the rules and soon paper were sharing.


"How was the paper" Ari asked everyone at the lunch table.

There was a lot of it was okay, fine, hard.

"I didn't get to finish a section" Kai said after a while making us all look at him.

"I was about to when stupid Mr. Phil said time was up and took my paper, that man don't like the best bone in me, Maybe I should spray pain his car in hot pink" Kai said annoyed.

"Kai no do not spray paint his car in pink" I said holding back my laugh from imagining Mr. Phil driving to work in a hot pink car.

"It was one section, i'm sure you did perfect" I said in an attempt to cheer him up.

"I mean his car would look good in pink" he said shrugging.

"Kai" I warned

"What you can help, you know you want to see him driving a hot pink car" Okay maybe I do a little bit but no argh this guy make me think of doing things I never would have had I not met him.

"Okay, okay I was joking, well not really but for you i wont spay paint his car in pink, Happy" He finally said giving up on the idea.

"Man come on, I was looking forward for that, why did you punk out so easily" Davis said pouting which result in Clair glaring at him and him to laugh and kiss her on the lips.

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