Getting along?

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Chapter 6

Taylors POV

"You okay Hun?"

Bridget was crying for quite a while until she finally let go of me.

"I had listen to enchanted on repeat for months after my stupid boyfriend cheated on me." She wipes her own tears away, "I asked him to literally not be in love with someone else, but interrogating him for hours, I had realized he was more in love with her than he was me."

Her demeanor changes within a second of telling the story, as if she caught herself crying and is now punishing herself for it. Bridget pushes herself off of me after I didn't say anything.

I wasn't sure on  how to respond; I've never been in a relationship for over a few months, which she proved she had been.  so I didn't know how be there for her. So all I did was hug her and held her.

Bridget did push away from the hug, I knew it wasn't the best choice for her then. So, I change our plans from signing another song, we get ice cream instead.

As we exit the back door, Bridget and I are immediately swarmed with paparazzi, screaming so many things at us at once,
"Why did you adopt her"
"You know you're young right?"
"What's going to happen to your career??" The two of us just walk past, ignoring every word they say.

We walk into the ice cream parlor, getting a seat, "what would you like Bridget?"

"Cookie dough?" she asks more than tells before I nod, walking up and ordering two bowls of cookie dough ice cream and bringing it back to the table.

Bridg is really a lovely girl; when she's not on drugs or dunk. She's so smart, and funny. Did I mention she has the most beautiful blue eyes? They are like a light but piercing blue. If I were just a little older, she could really look like my daughter.

"Tell me about this boyfriend" I comment, looking up at her

"We dated for awhile. I was 13, he was 17" she explains and I can't help but cringe at the age difference. Talk about someone robbing the cradle.  "we dated until I started to not live at my home and when I fully ran away, he started sleeping with another girl. Going on a months of sleeping with this one girl, he told me over dinner."

"Well, at least you got dinner right?" I joke and she stares at me, giving off a smile. Finally.

"yeah I guess you're right" she smiles as she stabs at her ice cream, stirring it around, "you know, I have this weird thing about hard serve."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I love the cookie dough parts in it, but it has to be like soft. If that makes sense?" she stirs her ice cream before it turns into a thick liquid, "my dad used to do it when he fed me as a child, so I guess I just always liked it like that" she looks up at me and smiles, looking back down. "He was pretty cool"

"Your dad?"

"Yeah." She becomes soft, letting her smile fall off her face. I smile at her, watching her dig into the ice cream as if she's never tasted it before, "this one time, he took my brother, Liam, and I to a water park. We had to sneak into the back because the coupon didn't work anymore. Later we got kicked out and then we just went to the lake near by, swimming until my brother and I turned into little prunes" she chuckles, showing her beautiful smile. "I would do anything to have that day back"

Once we we're done with ice cream, I threw our things out, heading towards the door. I really hope this was the bridge to a new beginning.

Bridget's POV

It was great hanging out with Taylor but the last question one of the paps said was kind of dwelling on my mind.  "What's going to happen to your career?"  It's a great question and it make me realized that Taylor hasn't written any songs since the tour has been over.

Normally I have heard that she writes all the time, no matter if it's bad or good, she would write it down.  She hasn't written anything down lately and I feel that it's my fault.

I can't seem to shake all of my memories from  my ex after that song or my father and the empty hole in my heart where he had left it.  The one thing I wanted to do was drink my pain away. We got back to Taylors-well our house- and Taylor went to bed.  That night I went around the house looking for anything that would ease my ache of my heart.  Problem with Taylor is she hardly drinks.

I finally found some Bacardi (peppermint) of course its flavored. I ended up having a good quarter of it straight up.  It felt good, so good actually, I forgot all about my past, just like I used to.  I loved knowing that I was getting away with getting drunk behind Taylor's back. They were both amazing natural highs. I love the feeling.

The fridge calls my name with chocolate milk and Oreos, filling up my stomach just enough to enjoy the flavor but not lose my drunk. Later I find myself ripping my algebra book apart, laughing as the number turn blue before falling to the floor.

I fall with the papers, but I fall on the couch, taking one last swig of the gross, burning liquor down my throat before falling fast asleep.

Sorry for the late update guys!!

I was so busy today but I am trying to get as much in as I could, because there's a possibility I will get surgery on my arm. So I won't be able to type as fast.

Do you celebrate Christmas where you live??  If so what are you asking for??!!

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