School is everything

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Chapter 40

Bridget's POV

We didn't say another word; I took him to the downstairs bedroom, I closed the door behind us and placed myself on him, taking my shirt off. "Bridget... Bridget stop!" I pulled away from him sitting up on the bed, confused. "You smell like alcohol... I don't want to when you're drunk."

"No Niall, I'm not! We just celebrated today, I nursed my drinks. I'm just a little buzzed; I know what I'm doing..." I reached down for his belt trying to resume but he swatted it away,

"Why did you drink anyway? Are you okay?"

I was so turned off now, him trying to be protective, "Niall we were celebrating! We won states today! I'm fine, yeah mentally. I'm fine, it was for celebration."

Trying to cover up my now noticeable breath, he got off the bed and pacing back and forth, pulling his hand through is hair, "Why is it so hard for you to believe me Niall!"

His features got softer as he walked towards me again, "I'm sorry, sorry. I believe you." He moved in for a kiss and without breaking it we moved to the top of the bed.

"Bridget! Breakfast is ready!" Taylor screams from the top of the stairs, I turned over in the bed, not wanting to get up, so I just ignored her. "Bridget!!"

"No!" I responded telling her I wasn't hungry and too damn tired.

My door swung open with Taylor standing there, "Yes, now get your lazy ass up and eat my pancakes," I moaned and got out of bed, put a shirt and pants on and walked up the stairs.

I saw Harry behind Taylor flipping the pancakes, and I sat down at the counter. "Where's Niall?" They both looked at each other

"He went for a run..." it seemed fishy, like Niall would go for a run, but at this moment, I hadn't really cared. Taylor places some of the done pancakes on the plate, allowing me to grab some and start eating.

Niall came in with bags around him "good morning beautiful" he gave me a kiss.

"what's in the bags?" I ask with a mouthful of cake, and he sets them down on the counter.

"Well, I thought since you are being talked to from UofT today we should deck out the house..." he pulled out shirts and hats and posters, I chuckled.

"Niall, I'm just being looked at. That's it, I don't even know if I want to go there. I might want to go to an arts school," I admit, getting a smile from Taylor.

"well it doesn't hurt to have a t-shirt!" he grabbed some of my pancakes and walked up the stairs with the bags.

"I wanted to eat those!" Everyone laughed and I grabbed another to eat. He came back down and sat next to me. "Plus Niall, I'm only a junior. I have a lot of time to think about it."

Taylor nodded and spoke up, "And we don't have to rush my little girl growing up." Niall laughed and I blushed.

I got a phone call and it was the athletic director, we talked about him coming over at noon. Niall and I headed down to take a shower and get ready.

The doorbell rang and Taylor ran to the door before anyone could open her mouth, she claimed it first, "I got it!"

She opened the door and three men in suits were standing there. "come on in!" Welcoming the three men, greeting all of them one by one.  Taylor introducing herself as my mother and Harry as her boyfriend.

I could tell Taylor was nervous, she kept her hand on Harry's thigh as we all sat together on the couch.

"We went over all your clips, you're a phenomenal point guard Mrs. Swift, and we all realize that you are a junior this year, but we have all talked with the dean, and we can give you a full ride scholarship if you come and play with us after you graduate." He gives us the low down immediately, not jumping around any bush.

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