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Chapter 39

Bridget's POV

Niall left the locker room to catch his flight, I was sitting with my head in my hands silently crying when the team barged in screaming and chanting. I quickly stiffened up and wiped my tears away.

The girls all came running towards me. "We got the win!" I smiled at them and congratulated them.

"Sorry for being kicked out! I wish I could have watched the end!" They all laughed and said it was cool.

After we all filed out finding our parents, I spotted Taylor and Harry standing by vending machine and walked over to them. Taylor held her arms out for me in fall into, and I did; holding her tight. "I'm so sorry."

I pulled away from her "can we go home?" she nodded and walked with me, Harry was behind us still on his phone.

I had tried not to pay attention to the conversation knowing it would hurt me even more, but his loud voice fills the car, "I don't care Simon!..... Niall doesn't deserve this!..." after hearing too much I just zoned them out.

Time flew by and I found myself sitting at the dinner table with Andrea and Scott. The play happened, I ended up going out with the kid that played Danny, and I don't even know his name. I didn't talk during the whole date and now Taylor and Andrea are in an in depth conversation about something, I was just sitting staring at my glass of water, "Don't you agree Bridget?"

Taylor shook me about my internal zone, "Huh?" I really didn't know what they were talking about.

"The refs at the game today,"

I still didn't know the basis of the conversation; "Uh yeah sure," I went back to playing with my food. "Can I be excused?" I just wanted to go to the studio.

she nodded "clean your plate off," and so I did. I got up and washed my plate and started walking down the stairs hearing the little last of the conversations fading

"is she going to be okay?"

"uh yeah I hope." Taylor admits

I pulled out my guitar and walked into the studio, I grabbed the song that I wrote over the two weeks that I finally finished.

Those blue eyes and that contagious smile.....

As the spotlight disappears, it's a different person that I'm with, so much simpler, so much better and just so beautiful, the way we laugh with four more guys, you walk around naked and cover my eyes. You're just so funny, can't believe were letting this go. Cause we're alright.

"It's beautiful," Harry came into the booth, I put my guitar and he held me. "It'll get better." He gives me a hug, kissing the top of my head.

He helps me I walk up the stairs to see Taylor saying goodbye to her parents, they waved goodbye to me and I gave them a fake smile before walking up into my room.

A few minutes later Taylor knocked on my door, letting herself in as I sat on my bed. I laid in her lap, slowly feeling tears fall down my cheek, "You haven't really talked today other than the play, I miss your voice", she was playing with my hair, I sniffled a little


She mustered out a laugh, "there it is."

I laughed a little too, "tay..." she gave the huh noise just not letting any sound out, "how was your night?" she looked at me confused, "you know. When we left the house for you and Harry that night," she let out a loud laugh that echoed through the room.

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