13 cupcakes

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Chapter 20

Bridget's POV

I've been in the hospital for about a week now; during the day Taylor teaches me all the subjects for home-schooling and I still have trouble with math, but I guess I'm just tired.

At night we Skype Harry and he tells us about what he has been up to,  and we promised to join him in a week for Christmas. Tomorrow was Taylor's birthday and I wish that I could have gotten out of the hospital to get her a gift. So far I have gotten her tapioca pudding and a bed pan... not something I think she wants.

I leave tonight and my exams are the day after Taylor's birthday and then we leave for England. My cuts have healed and they took out the stiches earlier, so all I have left is my cast, and I have to have that on for 5 months; it sucks because it's my right arm and I'm right handed; let's just say I'm going to be adjusting for a while.

"Ms. Scott; you are all set to go home, your mother has all your bags and is ready whenever you are." The doctor came in and used my old last name; before Taylor adopted me.

"I go by Swift now doctor; Bridget Swift. But thank you. Thank you for everything." He smiled at me, helping me out of bed and down the hall to my mother.

I met Taylor in the hallway "Hey Bridg, ya ready to party hardy at home!!" Taylor had a huge grin on her face, "Hint the sarcasm, because I don't want you partying..." I laughed and she laughed even harder. "See I can be the one that makes too Ms. Knock Knock jokes." We laughed together again and she grabbed my left hand and walked out with me.

As soon as I got into the car, everything just came back to me. Taylor's phone, the car, we flipped and I snapped and something and "We need a gurney!" I was scared. What if that happened again, I don't want to be back here.

My heart raced faster, and my breathing became frantic. I couldn't catch my breath or keep my thoughts straight. "Bridget! Bridget, look at me!" I looked over and Taylor wiped a tear from my eye.

I hadn't realized that I was so scared I was crying. "I know how you feel but that won't ever happen again, I promise you. We're going to be okay." She unbuckled her seat belt and hugged me. It may see cheesy but it really helped me, I nodded my head at her as she started the car.

On the way home she went a little bit lower than the speed limit just to make me feel better and really it did. "Tay, it's your birthday tomorrow and-"

"Don't worry about that, it's been a chaotic few weeks, don't worry about any of that. As long as you're with me." Taylor looked over at me, and smiled. I could tell that she meant it, but I still felt bad.

When Taylor went to her room for bed and I gave Austin a call, "Hey Bridget!" He drug out the Y.

"hey Austin I was wondering if I could get a tip for Taylor's birthday, I was in the hospital for a week and I haven't had time to get her a present, so I want to make her something from the heart but I guess I didn't know her as much as I thought. What should I do?"

Austin thought for a moment, "Ummm I think you should incorporate something with 13 in it. So Oh! Bake her some cupcakes! And since she's going to be 22 make a funny song about her being 22. She would enjoy that you tried to connect with her through music like she does her fans."

"That's a great idea, thank you so much Austin!!" and with that we hung up.

I got out of my bed and went into the kitchen and got out of the baking stuff. We had a ton of stuff; like Austin said, she loves to bake.

I had a feeling it would take me a while because I only had one arm, I wanted to decorate each one personally.

The first 5 I made as a vanilla, 5 more I did as chocolate and the last three I did red velvet. I took 20 minutes for each and by the time the first batch was done it was about midnight and I was starving. I had a craving for pancakes, something other than nasty hospital food. So I put the cupcakes on hold and made myself pancakes.

It feels like the perfect night for breakfast at midnight

I looked at what I was wearing in the mirror, beanie, folded up jeans tee and my glasses. It worries me sometimes that my style is becoming the new trend of being a "hipster"

a perfect night dress up like hipsters.

Those lyrics came to me; Taylor's song! I smelt something burning and realized my pancakes were burnt.

"Fuck." I have to scrape off the remainder of the burnt pancake off the pan, killing my appetite for anything.

Hoping my baking skills is better than my breakfast skills, I finish up the batter for our red velvet cupcakes. When all of them were done baking I let them sit so I can decorate them later. So I sat down with a guitar.

And make fun of our exes uh uh, uh uh.

It feels like one of those nights, we won't be sleeping

She's feeling 22.

No, no that doesn't sound right.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you

You don't know about me but I bet you want to

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22.

That sounds right!!

I felt like that was good enough for right now... I went to go decorate the cupcakes. The vanilla I put the date of her birth, and her initials, in red and black writing with white frosting.

The chocolate I put Harry's phone number on it just to be funny. And the last three I drew a small stick figure of me and Taylor together.

I am by no means an artist and I hope Taylor sees that and takes them as a gift from the heart, not from my ability to decorate.

By the time I was done with everything it was 6 in the morning. I wasn't even tired either.  I ran into Taylor's room and jumped on her bed "it's time to wake up Taylor! It's your birthday!" I giggle, pushing her awake with my one good arm.

She jumped up and laughed. "Thank you Bridg but I am really tired, wake me up in like three hours." She yawned

"Oh no no I am not, you're coming with me." I grabbed her arm and pulled into the kitchen. I set it up with balloons and streamers. I had the cupcakes on the counter and she saw that right away. "and what is this laying here?!"

"13 cupcakes!" She looked up and me and hugged me tight.

I make her try a vanilla one first, sitting carefully, waiting for the results. "They're not horrible" she laughs, pulling an egg shell out of her mouth.

They're terrible, I can just see it on her face. She's trying so hard to smile through the disgusting batter of what I called a cupcake.

"I mean it's great for only having one arm" she smiles at me, setting down the cupcake that may not be up for her standards.

"One more thing Tay!!"

I picked up the guitar and she smiled at me "A little something for your 22nd birthday"

Strumming along to the beat in my head, I sang pieces of the song, I created, together. She smiles at the bridge where I ask who Taylor swift was anyway, and bobbed her head to the rest.

She laughed and hugged me. The rest of the day we just hung out together and watched T.V. We also got ready for leaving tomorrow. And at the end f the night we packed our car and headed for the airport

Thank you all so much! Keep commenting and reading and voting. This is awesome! Also a happy new year! Sorry this chapter is complete crap, I've had writers block forever and last night I was too busy to write! But I was wondering how old my readers were! Let me know! Im 17!

Vote, comment and share!!

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