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Chapter 23

Bridget's POV

We were still standing at the door step; Taylor and Harry were still staring at us; Niall was still speechless.

And me? I was shaking; and inside I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I could see the disappointment in Taylors eyes, and the stun in Harrys.

I finally looked over at Niall "Goodnight Niall, thank you again." He gave me a cheeky grin and walked off the step to his car.

"Come inside we need to talk." Taylor told me sternly. So I walked in and she slammed the door shut.

Louis came down the stairs and just as he was about say something Harry ran over and walked him back up the stairs. I don't know what he said but when Harry came down he didn't follow.

I sat on the couch and Taylor was pacing back and forth, playing with her hair. "Just going for a jog?" Her voice slowly started to rise at the end of the sentence.

"Well I mean I did jog to his car..." I tried to lighten the mood.

"Bridget, don't think that you can just crack a joke and everything will be okay. You were late and most importantly you lied to us! I trusted you; I told you just before you left that I trusted you that you wouldn't do anything stupid. I am glad you know Niall and I trust Niall, but that's not the point. The point is that you lied to us, and Niall is three years older than you and—" I cut her off

"So? Harry is five years younger than you!!" I had become pissed. She thought that the age was a huge deal. "age shouldn't be a huge deal Taylor. Why? Because Niall is a great guy, he's funny, caring, lovable and cute. It shouldn't matter about age."

The argument has turned into me lying to her into Niall being too old for me. Though I knew I wasn't going to be in trouble for telling a white lie, I knew I was about to get into trouble for whatever came out of my mouth next.

I read her facial expression. She was shocked and mad. She knew that I was right about her and Harry, but "its different Bridget," her voice was calmer.  "It's different" That's all she said, she kept repeating herself and I didn't understand why.

"It's different when you're older Bridget. You're too young to be with an age gap so big." She finally comes out with a sentence, "it's a problem because you're only 16. Harry and I are both over the age of 18"

This was bullshit. Harry was only two years older than me and I frankly was more mature. I've done more than Harry, and I was more mature than Harry.

I had it with Taylor and thinking that a three year gap is toxic but her five year isn't. I got up to walk out when Taylor grabbed my left arm. "No you're not leaving. We're talking this out."

I gave her a glaring look and whipped my arm away from her and stormed out. Once I was out of the door I ran. And then I ran, and ran even more. I ran for a good mile before I stopped to think.

I pulled out my phone and called Niall

"Hey how'd things go?"

"Not good, come pick me up? I want to go out; I'm outside of the Starbucks on Main Street."

"Okay, I'm on my way"

A couple minutes later Niall showed up. "Where's the best club around here?" I asked Niall as soon as I sat down in the car.

"Bridget I don't think that's a good-"

"I don't care what you think, I want to. You can drive me there or I can walk" I snapped at him.

He looked back at the road and drove off. We arrived at a club within five minutes of silence in the car. When I got out into the car, I stormed off and Niall followed me. I gave him a look "Well if you're going to get drunk I don't want you to do so alone." He smiled at me and I finally calmed down a little and smiled back.

The club was amazing, the music was loud and upbeat, and the drinks, thankfully free due to Niall being with me, even really good.

Niall and I took a few shots and headed over to the dance floor. We danced to the beat and Niall was really good at dancing. He grabbed my waist as we moved with the crowd. We dance for a couple songs and went back to get some drinks. By this time I was beyond trashed and so was Niall. Every move we made was perfect together; and I never wanted it to end.

Two hours past and it was about one in the morning, we went out and found a cab. Niall told him the location we were going and I think it was back to his flat; and I was okay with that.

In the car it was silent; I think it was because we were both feeling the effects of the shots.

Getting back to his flat, Niall had led me up the stairs and into his room. His hands guide me towards to room before his lips land on mine, moving flawlessly together.

This isn't a drunken kiss, this is a heated kiss that urges for more passion. When Niall doesn't walk us towards the bed, I take control, pushing him down on the mattress.

I had ripped his shirt off, eager to see his bare chest. Niall smiles at me as I take off my shirt on top of him, leaning down to kiss him once more. But this time he's stops me, Niall stares at me for a while, "You're absolutely beautiful Bridget."

Niall leans up to place us both sitting up on the bed, placing his finger on my scar, moving it past my shoulder to my bra strap.  Niall removes my bra, taking us closer together before we both fall back onto the bed for more kisses.

He again doesn't take a step further, bringing me closer to needing his pants off. Without breaking our kiss, I  reach for his belt to remove his pants. Niall assisted me and then grabbed my leggings and pulled them down and through them on the floor.

We flip back around so Niall is on top, finally taking control as he hovers over me, "Are you sure?" I nodded and he pulled out a condom wrapper.

That night was magic, I thought the other times I've had sex was perfect. But this, this night was flawless. I think the thing that made it different was there was love involved. I felt a connection with Niall like I have never before; and I don't think I could keep it.

1,000 reads guys!!!!  You all are so amazing and all your comments are phenomenal! I love you all so much!! I hope you like this chapter! It's a little different for me! But I hope you all like it! QOTD: Do ya'll believe in ghosts? I am watching Ghost Adventures and I LOVE it!!! I find all of that so interesting! Anyway, thank you!


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