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Chapter 35

Taylors POV

The night I got home from Bridget's family's house I quickly opened the letter that was addressed to me,


I heard that you had adopted my little sister through the boys in my bunk. I hope she's been treating you well. She's never trusted anyone since our father died. Her and my father were beyond best friends and when we found out he was murdered she couldn't trust anyone, and she never wanted to. She locked herself in her room, listened to your music and never came out. Until one day she finally broke. But only to me; she expressed everything to me. She told me everything my father did for her, what he did for the bullies what he did for getting money. She asked me to take care of her; I did every day until I had to leave for the Army. My mother was never a great person, they never divorced, and they just dealt with each other for Bridget and me. She was an alcoholic too... that is actually who got Bridget on her drugs.  My mom left her because she realized what she did to Bridget; the drugs were slowly killing her. When she was caught leaving school alone, with no parent to go to, foster care was called. When they found out that our aunt Barb wasn't able to afford to care for her they tried to send her to an adoption home. Before they could come and pick her up but she ran away from our home. She lived from house to house figuring what to do. When I saw her she was the one to tell me all of this, we talked for a while. Telling me about you, she expressed to me how she felt so bad about doing all the horrible things she did. Taylor, she loved no she loves you so much, but the drugs and alcohol were the things that changed her personality. She looks so healthy now, and I can't thank you enough.

            Take care of my sister,


Bridget's POV

I was lying in bed with Niall, my head on his bare chest. I was tossing and turning; my mind would not stop moving from one thought to another. The one I kept driving myself away from was 'do I love Niall?' After the night we just had together I was second guessing myself. I mean I do love him but can I love him? Was I ready? Did he love me? Or was he using me? This was the first time I've ever had sex sober. And I realized how much more sentimental it is without drinks.

"babe," Niall was moving about, somehow knowing I was not sleeping, "what are you thinking about,"

"nothing, just go back to sleep okay?" I looked up and pecked him on the lips.

He pulled away quickly, "No tell me Bridget," 

I was tracing his pecks with my fingers, "should I play sandy?" I asked before he chuckled.

"why are you lying to me" he was now playing with my hair, he had a softer tone then last time he asked why I was lying to him.

"Niall, where do you see us in ten years?" he chucked again, "well that's a loaded question isn't it?" I gave him a concerning look, "I'm kidding! Where do I see us in ten years... uh well you will be 26, I will 29... but I would like to think that you and me are married, and having a little Niall's and little Bridget's running around here. You know I love you right?"

I smiled at him not knowing what to say back. I mean, yeah I knew he loved me, but that's why I was asking. It's what I wanted to hear, but was I ready? I pulled out the letter my brother wrote for me to see if it would answer my questions. Niall read it with me

            Dear Bridget,

You looked absolutely beautiful today. I haven't seen you glow like this since dad died. I missed your smile, and your beautiful blue eyes. The day mom left you was really tough for me, and I know it was hard for you. But I know that Taylor is here to help you, by god has she helped you. And Niall, the new boy you have, man does he make you light up. When Joe mentioned him at the table you were so happy. I don't want you to hold back I don't want you to be afraid to put all of your love into one person, especially Niall. He seems perfect for you. Bridget, I don't want moms mistakes to cloud your life. Live to who you inspire to be, and accomplish everything you want. I love you so much Bridget, I hope that I see you again when I get back.

            With Love,

            Your brother, Liam.

"he sounds lovely" Niall chimed in. I laid back in his arms and fell asleep.

"Hey, Bridget wake up..." I heard Taylor's soft voice, "Bridg, your friend is waking up, and I don't want her awkwardly up there with you sleeping. Put some clothes on, and come on up. I made pancakes."

I got up and put Nialls shirt on and walked up the stairs. Niall greeted me with a kiss and a coffee cup. Taylor put pancakes on my plate and Harry was reading the paper.

Chloe came down the stairs rubbing her head, she still had her dress on from last night, and her hair was in a mess. "uhhh...sorry," I laughed and handed her asprin,

"it's fine, we've all been through it...Well most of us..." I looked over at Taylor knowing she wasn't much of a drinker.

Chloe laughed and took the asprin, "I need to head home, my mom is probably freaking out. I'll see you at basketball tryouts on Monday...?" She questioned it because I still didn't make up my mind. I shrugged, she smiled and walked out.

The whole day we spent it together, I didn't think much about my love and what I got from Liam. We were sitting on the couch watching Spiderman... the first one; my favorite. There was a knock on the door and Taylor got up to get it this time. I overheard some female at the door, "Is Bridget Scott here?"

Taylor called me over, and when I saw those piercing blue eyes, the ones just like mine. Everything came back, all the hate, all the crying, and all the running. That all happened because of that bitch. I became addicted because of that person.


Hey guys! Cliffhanger here! But it might be a while or a short time until I update... I get surgery tomorrow so it might be a while or I might get so bored id update again. Sooo close to 3k! let's let that happen! How about when I wake up from surgery you bless me with 3.1K reads. Cause how amazing would that be?!?

What do you guys think of the rumors about Taylor being drunk at the after party? I honestly don't care, like she's 24... and truly would love to get drunk with her. Just saying!! Tell me your thoughts! And wish me luck on my surgery!

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