Christmas time

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Chapter 29

Bridget's POV

I woke up early to go out for a run. An actual run; not a sneak out go with someone run, but run to clear my mind run. I laced up my shoe laces, and walked out the door. Plugging my headphones in, I turned the corner, spotting a person in a car talking on the phone, and they looked up at me and hung up.

He got out of his car and ran towards me "Bridget! Bridget Swift! Over here!" Fuck, it was a pap. Taylor told me just to ignore them, they were going to take pictures whether or not I was doing something. So I put my head down and kept jogging.

After about a mile he just stopped. I ran about three miles until I decided to come home.

Taylor greeted me as I walked through the door, "How was the run?" she handed me a bottle of water.

"Good, some pap found me but I just kept running" I responded to her question

"That's good, the boys aren't up yet. I was wondering if you wanted to go shop for Niall and Harry." We were walking into the kitchen while I grab a bagel from the counter.

"Sure let me just take a quick shower and I'll be down." She gave me a nod and I ran upstairs. I grabbed my clothes trying not to wake Niall, and I did so successfully. He lies there perfectly, with his blonde hair in her face cuddling with the pillow next to him, in replace of me.

I take a quick shower just to throw my long blonde hair up into a bun, I place on my leggings and Niall's sweatshirt. The news have already rumored me with him so I thought I would play with them a little, as well as its the only long sleeve that fits over my cast.

After getting ready, I walked down the stairs to see Taylor sitting on the couch waiting for me. She got up "Ready?" I nodded and walked out to the car with her.

We arrived at a small H&M just out of town, we got out of the car and there were paps out here already, we both put our heads down and walked. Once we got in I suggested we shopped for Harry first and then Niall together. She agreed and looked around; we found a really sharp looking button up and then we got Niall just a sweatshirt. He's not really one to dress sharp.

We got out of there as quickly as we could, I still had to go out and get something for Taylor, and so I will just wait to go with Niall when he wakes.

Once we got home, the boys are awake, all fighting over the remote control, Harry and Niall both let go as soon as we walked in; sending Louis flying back on the couch.

"Good morning love" they both said in sync. Harry went up and kissed Taylor and Niall came up and kissed me.

"Wow I hate all of you lovebirds" Louis chimed in. We all laughed and sat down for lunch.

"Niall I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping after lunch?" I asked him keeping in mind I had to shop for Taylor, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam. I had some money still on my debit card from when my mom left me; I didn't want to spend Taylor's money on a gift for her.

Niall stood up and put his plate in the sink and walked towards me "Let me get changed and then we can go, nice sweatshirt by the way." he kissed me on the cheek and headed upstairs.

He still had food in his mouth which was really gross, but I guess that's just one of the things that made me like him even more.

Niall came down the stairs in a snapback and sweater; it was a little chilly out so he threw a jacket over that. "alright lets go" he laced his hand in mine walking out the door with me.

He takes me to a shop that they boys would like and then I told him to take me to a jewelry store for Taylor.

We found a Batman snapback for Zayn, a pair of Nike's for Liam; Niall told me he'd like it, then a sweater with a carrot on it for Louis.

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