Knock, Knock

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Chapter 19

Bridget's POV

Everything was black; but I could hear things. "Bridget I need you to stay with me; squeeze my hand if you can hear me," and so I did, I felt a hand in mine and I squeezed. "Good, that's good Bridget. Stay with us. She's responsive doc."

"....where's... where's taylor...?" I opened my eyes slowly, I was being pushed through a hospital.

"I'm here Bridg, right next to you." Taylor put her hand on my arm; I felt a sharp pain run through my body, I started screaming; the pain rang through my body, not understanding what caused the pain, my mind started to panic. I was in pain and in an unfamiliar place.

"Bridget, stop. Calm down. You're okay I'm here with you." Taylor tried to calm me down but it wasn't working.

"Taylor you need to go, we have to put her down." The nurse was rolling me into a surgical room.
"No, Taylor don't leave me!" I was slowly fading away, I couldn't feel anything and again it turned black.

Taylor's POV

I looked down at my phone; harry was calling me and I went to go pick it up when I heard Bridget scream at me "Taylor! Truck!" I looked over to my right and a car was a second from crashing into us. I went to grab Bridget's hand and it was too late.

We had flipped over and over, finally spinning into a stop. I looked over at Bridget and a bone was sticking out her arm and unresponsive. I had just a few scratches from the glass that shattered.

The ambulance was right there and was trying to get me out of the car. "NO GET BRIDGET FIRST." They grabbed me and I was kicking and screaming, "Get Bridget!"

"Ms. Swift we are, we have to cut the car open, you need to calm down we are getting Bridget. Sit here" they put me into the ambulance and stitched me up, on my forehead and cheek. I heard a machine cutting open my car to get Bridget.

"We got her!! We need a gurney!" They picked Bridget up and she had blood all over her head, the bone was still out of her arm. "She's in critical condition; we need to get her to the hospital ASAP"

I was sitting in the waiting room, it was so hard to watch Bridget is so much pain and freaking out like that. Seeing that broke my heart. It's been about two hours since they took her into surgery, I finally found the courage to call back Harry. "Hello my love"

"Harry," My voice was shaking

"What's wrong?!"

"We.... We got in this crash and... and Bridget-"

His voice raised, cutting me off from my sentence, "is Bridget okay? How is she. Where are you?" I hear the panic matching mine.

"She's alive right now, but she's unresponsive, she's been in surgery for two hours now, and I'm so scared Harry." I cry into my hands.

This is all my fault. If I had looked before crossing the road, if I would have seen the hummer skipping the red light, I would have been able to avoid this. Bridget would be okay right now and we would be celebrating her 16th birthday with my brother in Nashville.

"it's okay babe, I'm taking the next flight there."

"No Harry I don't want you to do that. People will see that you're here and they'll figure out were together, there's paps all over here. Be with your family I'll update you later." I promise to Harry, trying to relax my mind and breathing.

"Okay," he sighs, "I'll let you go, please call when you can. I really like you Taylor swift"

"I like you too." He was cute the way he expressed his feelings. I felt more relaxed after talking to him. Right after that a doctor came out

"Ms. Swift?"

"Right here." I stood up and walked up to him

"Your daughter is okay, she will be resting for a while; but you can go into the room and sit with her."

I went in and I saw Bridget all wrapped up. Her arm was in a cast and she had stiches all over her face. A gauze over her nose, on her forehead like me but both of her eyes were blackened. I walked over and held her hand "Im here, you're okay"

She slowly fluttered her eyes open, "taylor...." She whispered to me, I leaned in closer to hear her.

"What is it Bridg?"

"knock, knock" she smiles at me

I smiled at her "Who's there?"

"boo" she gave me a week smile "Boo who?"

"Aw stop crying Tay, you're not the one that is injured" she giggles

A small tear fell from my face and I laughed. "Too funny Bridg."

"Taylor I have another one, knock knock."

"What now,"

"Say it Taylor," she smiles at me, trying to keep the tears from falling out of my eyes.

I roll my eyes. "who's there?"

"incoming car"

She starting laughing really hard, and after a while I found it funny too.

I spend sometime with her in the room, we are able to laugh together, forgetting that she is severely injured just for the time being. They've given her many pain meds for the day.

She laughs when she jokes about being high for the first time in months and how much she loves it. The doctors come in to check in on her here and there, the nurses seem to find Bridget hilarious.

I could be because she is high on her pain meds and her dry sense of humor which makes people not only confused but enjoy her company.

Some of the nurses came in before she heads to bed with a cupcake and lit candle. They sing her happy birthday, all signing her cast before we all tuck her in for bed.

"Tay?" She rubs her eyes, grabbing my hand before I walk out, "thank you. I haven't had a birthday like this in years. Even though I'm in the hospital, I throughly enjoyed it" she smiles at me.

"Anything for my girl" I kiss her on the forehead, "I'll just be in the hall if you need me during the night"

Guys!! Almost 600 reads! That's unbelievable! Thank you guys so much! Keep commenting too I love it! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I don't have much to say for the authors note so I guess just tell me what you think! Have a great one!

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