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Taylors POV

I had been worried sick when I came home from the show and Bridget was no where to be found. I mean, I had expected her to go out to the bar and go against me, but I had not expected her to still be gone by the time I got home.

She didn't answer her phone during the many calls I made to her, and never responded to my texts wondering where she was.

And when I open the door to a makeup smudged face and someone else's shirt, I had gone into this mood I had never thought I would associate myself with. It was more than anger but exceeding disappointment. My heart had sunk at the sight of her standing before me in the hotel hall.

Purple bruises claim her neck, proving to me once more she let some random man in between her legs without full understanding of what she is going. The thought makes me sick to my stomach, trying to wrap my mind around a man taking advantage of a 15 year old. A fucking 15 year old who doesn't even know the process of any pre calculus. She is a baby, a little girl who should be learning how to jump rope and braid hair with friend, not fucking someone until the morning light.

As I was getting more and more frustrated with her, and my thoughts, I feel my arm moving in a swinging motion; smacking my new daughter across the face. I couldn't control my emotions.

"You do not get to go out and party all night leaving me worried that you could have been murdered! You don't answer my calls; you don't care to call me! Why should I let you into my room like this!" I had remembered that, that wasn't just the thing I was mad about.

"Why do you think it's okay to do that to yourself?! Did you even know his name?!" I fire questions at her in rage, "that is something you keep for the one you love Bridget! Hence the reason people calle it making love!"

I was furious. Though I never gave birth to her, over the year or so that I got to know her; I see her as my baby girl.

"Hey! Take it inside!" someone yells at us for being in the hall and creating noise. I still had my door open with Bridget in the door way.

I let her in so I could keep talking to her. But if she is going to keep doing this; she will not be lucky enough to have me open the door for her in the middle of the night.

I took a deep breath as she walks over and sits on the living room chair, "Bridg, I don't know what to say, it's three in the morning, and you're already hung-over, on top of that you're only fifteen years old. I don't want you to grow up too quick. I know life is hard for you right now and I could never replace your old mo-"

"-No, you'll never replace my mom or my dad because they were actually old enough to take care of me. You're just as immature as I am, and you'll never be my mom whatever you say." Bridget stands screaming as she cut me off. She crosses her arms over her chest, expressing that she didn't want to hear anything I had to say.

I couldn't help to feel hurt, I knew I couldn't replace her mom but I at least wanted to try my best to be an adult in her life.

"Taylor, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," her demeanor changes, dropping her arms and walking over to me.

She went in for a hug but I take a step back, I was tired of trying to be her friend when really she needs a strong guardian in her life. I wish she could just understand where I was coming from. As a 22 year old, I don't know what the first thing a mother should do in these kinds of situations, I don't know how to treat a 15 year old correctly. I grew up wanting fame and the best thing for me, I grew up knowing exactly what I wanted and doing everything in my well being to do it. Bridget is the opposite as me and I dont exactly know how to approach it.

I finally get up the courage to set my foot down, making it obvious of what I wanted. "No Bridget, I'm done being your friend. You're going to listen to me. No phone, no social media, if I'm not with you at any time during the day I will have a body guard follow you. We will have classes during the day, and when I have rehearsals it will be voice lessons; I already looked up homeschooling and I have everything you need. And that requires an art; hence the voice training. You are to stay around me at all times. No TV, no computer, no more drugs no more alcohol. You're on restriction. Now go to your room." Tears rolling down my face at this point

I was expecting her to explode up and fight everything. But with what I said, she got up and walked to her room.

Please please comment!! Love you all!!

Have you ever seen Taylor in concert??

I have seen her four times!

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