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Chapter 13

Bridget's POV

I'm lying on my bed doing my stupid history homework. Taylor is out with Harry (Of course); he picked her up about three hours ago. It's been a week since the date that I unsuccessfully sabotaged.

Since then they have been hanging out every night. It's been either at Harry's hotel or here in our L.A home. Taylor teaches me during the day with homeschooling and at night she spends it with Harry.

It gets lonely here at night. I have told Taylor should get us a cat because she doesn't spend time with me anymore; she just rolled her eyes at me.


I was woken up with a loud moan and giggles; Taylor's bedroom is right next to mine so I was getting ready to hear everything. "I think you should go." I heard Taylor tell Harry.

Ouch that one probably hurt "I'm sorry, I'm just not ready." Oh good for you Tay; I don't think you are either. I feel awkward sharing my thoughts out loud to no one. But, being me, I don't care for much longer.

"Well when we do it, it will be special." Uhm ew.... "Goodnight my love"

Harrys footsteps follow out the door, closing it behind him. Taylor comes into my room and lies next to me. "I know you're up Bridg, I want to talk with you." I slowly opened my eyes. She looked really sad, like shes been overthinking things. "How do you know when... when y-you're you know; when you're ready?" She was stuttering,

I knew she felt awkward asking that question; only because I'm her daughter, I've already had sex (Multiple times) and she didn't want to admit that, and she really wasn't that type of person that broadcasts it.

I sit up in the bed, thinking of how to answer correctly, "That's a hard question Tay, because I wasn't really ready, it just happened to me, and my first time was when I was black-out drunk."

"Was there a time when you weren't?"

"Drunk?" She nodded her head. "Yeah I did with that boyfriend I talked about with you."

"The one that cheated on you?" I nodded my head "What was that like?" She was asking so many questions.

"Uhm I thought I loved him, and I thought he loved me too. It's that moment you feel between the two of you, whether it's love or trust, you have it. That's when I think you know. Is that you don't have to think about whether it's the right time or not, you just do it"

I explain to Taylor as she sits quiet next to me "It's when you jump into something and you know that there's a possibility for you to fall, but you go anyway. And you trust that person enough at that specific moment for him to catch you. I think that is when you're ready."

Taylor just looked at me, processing it all I guess. "But what if someday sometime you have a last kiss with them, like you did with your ex?"

"Again, that's a tough question. We can never see into the future, you never know that one day you could have a last kiss with them. Taylor you can't go into any love or any relationship thinking that someday would be a last with them." I slide over in bed to lay on her chest, "that's what a lot of love is, is jumping and possibly falling. But you pick yourself back up and you learn what you want."

She runs her hands through my hair, keeping her breathing consistent, showing she's in deep thought.

I remember being with my ex, I had wanted to jump his bones the first night I had met him. And when I tried, he pushed me back, telling me he's going to take me on multiple dates before we do anything sexual. That's when I knew he had respected me enough to see me in such vulnerability.

"Thank you Bridg." I nodded and she kissed me on the forehead. I lift up to grab a drink of water, while Taylor turns on her side in bed. It's her way of telling me she's staying the night.

I notice a spot on her neck which make me laugh, "What?! What is so funny?" She turns back around, looking at me with panic

"Taylor! Your neck!"

"Wha-what about my ne-" She runs over to the bathroom. "Holy shit! You got to be kidding me!"

From the tone of her voice, she seemed mad. Maybe mad and embarrassed that her "daughter" pointed out the hickey. But when she turns to head into my room, she bursts out laughing; lying back in bed with me, covering her face.

**Flashback over**

As I reach for my headphones on the bed side table, I hear pots and pans falling to the ground. With all hope, it's Taylor and Harry making out in our kitchen. And with my luck, it's a terrible robber whom doesn't understand the concept of quick and quiet robbery.

Whats one of your favorite comedies?! I love Bridesmaids with all my heart! So funny

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