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Chapter 36

Taylor's POV

"Mom?" Bridget stood there silent with her mouth wide open.

Her mom was still standing in the door way, Harry and Niall were standing behind us. I'm not sure how I want to respond to this, or what to even think about her showing up at my doorstep, letting Bridget call her mom

"Hi, I'm Taylor," I decide, extending out my hand. she just looks at me, "why don't you come on in?" Her mother acknowledges me, but forgetting to shake my hand, stepping into our home.

"Bridget baby, look at you. You look beautiful," she walked up to Bridg to put her hands on her face but Bridget took a step back, swatting her hands out of the way.

"what are you doing here?" she managed to choke out.

"Can we talk?" her mom asked her.

"As long as Taylor is in the room with me..." she responded with tears in her eyes.

Her mom is disappointed with her response, obviously wanting to say something between the two of them.

I follow Bridget as she walks into the kitchen, with her mom sitting at the counter while I stood on the other side

Niall and Harry, not sure what to do stood in the doorway. Bridget looked a lot like her mom; she had long blonde hair that was wavy, Bridget's was straight. They had the same color eyes, that piercing light blue. They're smile was the same too; a deep dimple on one side and a smile line on the other.

"what are you on right now?" Bridget was referring to her mom's quick twitching and fast movements.

"Nothing honey, I'm clean, im all clean sweetie," her mom was just as stubborn as Bridg.

"Speed? Is that what it is? You stole my ADD medicine didn't you?" Bridget catches on, watching her mom as she scans the room in twitching motions.

Bridget has ADD and I hadn't known about it?

"It was a long drive over here, I had to stay awake. It doesn't hurt. Plus you don't need them anymore, you were better." Bridget ignored her and rolled her eyes

"Why are you even here?" She questions the women that gave birth to her


"Stop calling me that!" she snaps

"Bridget... I'm here because I found someone, someone to take care of us. He's amazing; he a lawyer and has lots of money. Hes taking really good care of me, I want you to come home. "

I looked at Bridget scared she'd leave me. "No." Bridget doesn't need time for her response, shocking her mother

She sat there for a minute thinking of what to say next. "Why should I go back to you? Huh? You left me; you left me addicted to everything. You got me hooked on horrible things and just left me. You knew Liam was gone, you knew that aunt Barb couldn't take care of me. Why the fuck did you think you could leave me?"

Bridget becomes angry after spilling those words, admitting to herself why she actually hates her mom

The loud conversation turns into screams with Bridget's next moments, all of us were scared. I'm the only one that's seen her like this, but that was when she was on her drugs. This is the first time I've seen her mad sober. We sat in silence for a moment again.

"No, don't answer that. I don't care. You know what mom you left me so fucked up in my head! I can't trust a single person. I can't love my own boyfriend because I can't love myself! All because of you, all because you left me when I needed you most!" She screams, leaving the house silent under her attacks

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