Taylor's POV

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Chapter 30

Taylor's POV

I was meeting Harry's mum and sister for the first time today and I was beyond scared. Yesterday Bridget gave me a necklace and inside was an extra charm on it with the letter H imprinted; I showed Harry and the letter that came along with it. It said

'I know you're not part of our family yet; but, you have showed your true colors to me and someday I hope that you will join hands with Taylor one day to extend our family. This charm is for you to put on, on the wedding day, or the day you choose to be part of our family.'

Harry looked up at me with a small happy tear in his eye, grabbed the charm and added it to the necklace. I was so happy that he chose to be here for the long run. I know that it wasn't a proposal, or a promise ring, because we were both too young for that.

But, it was him saying to me I'm here now, and I will stay here and help, and be here with you. Until we are old enough to make that commitment, and that's what I needed.

I was standing in front of the mirror looking at my outfit I picked out for today. It was red pants with a green sweater. I love Christmas so much; I just hope that Anne doesn't think it's obnoxious.

Harry walked behind me putting his arms around my waist. "God, can you get any more beautiful?" he kissed my neck, then my jawline, that's when I turned around to kiss him on my lips. He takes the kiss further, walking us closer to the bed, "Harry we can't." I tried to pull away from him, but he held me close.

Tossing me on the bed and walking closer to me, he smiles, giving me those dimples I love "Its fine babe, we've got a little time. Louis is gone, Bridget is getting ready."

He was slowly unbuttoning his shirt, coming closer to me. I pulled my shirt over my head going in for another kiss, without breaking it I reach for his belt, until I heard a blood curdling scream from Bridget's bathroom and a shatter.

I got up and sprinted to her room "Bridget!!" I looked at her; there was blood in her hand, and a broken hair straightener on the ground. "What happened?!"

"There was a huge spider and I hit it with my straightener but then my straightener was on and it burned me and then the glass got in my palm, it fucking hurt!" She looks over at sweater less body "Oh and uhm what happened with you?" She notes the bra on my chest

"doesn't matter," I avoided the question. "Why did you scream so loud? I just about had a heart attack"

"Oh I don't know Taylor maybe because I saw a fucking spider!" She sarcastically laughed at me.

I had rolled my eyes at her, "I'm going back to getting ready" and went to walk back to our room

She laughs, "sure, that's what you were doing. Getting ready" she gave me air quotes around getting ready. I laughed and walked out.

As we arrived at his mums house, Harry grabs my hand "You'll do fine babe," he whispered into my ear making me shiver.

We take a few steps into the door, Harry announcing that we were here. Anne came around the corner and her eyes lit up. "My baby boy is home!!" She grabbed his cheeks pulling him into a tight hug.

"Mum, this is Taylor and her daughter Bridget," she let go of Harry and attached on to me.

"I have heard so many great things about you two" she gave us a wink and then hugged Bridget.

When she got to Bridget she asked how Niall was and she got red too, "Don't worry honey, Harry spared the details."

That's when she turned bright red, and just looked down, Anne laughed and gave her a small push on the shoulder, "I'm just kidding, Niall just told me he liked you about two weeks ago, that's all I know" she giggled and walked away to the kitchen.

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