Tied Together With a Smile

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Bridget's POV

After a while in the car Harry broke the silence. "You know Taylor stood up for you. She even swore at her dad, you should have been there". He laughed, and he looked over at me realizing that the joke didn't work.

We pulled into the driveway and I just sat there, Harry looked at me "it will be okay Bridg, trust me." With that we walked in together.

Taylor ran up to me and held my face "don't you ever scare me like that again you hear me?" Then she pulled me into a long embrace.

I looked up to see Scott and Andrea standing behind her. I pulled away from Taylor and walked towards them. "I know you may not like me, and I know that I have said some dumb stuff and hell I've even done dumb things, but I have been learning from them. I speak my mind because that's what my dad did. But for him it always came out funny; but for me it comes out like im an asshole. Sorry." I looked over at Tay and she smirked.

"I'm sorry I'm not the granddaughter that you would have hope for, or even the daughter you hoped Taylor would have raised. But one day i hope to be that granddaughter and daughter that you see fit."

Scott and Andrea just sat there, the didn't say anything so I went to go to bed.

It was two in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. I went down to the living room and found one of Taylor's old guitars. I started strumming it

Hold on baby your loosing it, the waters high you're jumping into it and letting go and no one knows.

"Sounds beautiful" I jumped at the voice, turning around and it was Andrea. She came down to sit with me, "I'm sorry about today, I shouldn't have let someones rumor cloud the real thing when meeting you." I smiled at her, "you know you remind me a lot of Taylor when she was your age. When she couldn't sleep she would grab her guitar and sing whatever came to her mind." She laughed "I remember walking down the hall one time and Taylor was singing about grilled cheese" Andrea started laughing again and laughed too.

"Hey those two in the morning songs should not be heard unless they sound good! And that they're about my feelings" we all were laughing now and Taylor came and sat on the other side of me.

"Can you show us what you have so far?" Taylor was pointing at the guitar

Seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty
Is the face in the mirror looking back at you
You walk around here thinking you're not pretty
But that's not true, cause I know you...
Hold on, baby, you're losing it

I sing a few more bars with random lyrics I had made up, that night. Taylor and Andrea were holding each other while I sing the sad song.

I looked up Taylor and her mom, they were both crying; i myself was too. It was my first time I had shown my true colors to Taylor and told her what was really on my mind.

I put the guitar down and Taylor wrapped me in a hug "I'm here for you forever Bridg"

Andrea gets off the couch to head to the kitchen. She had made tea for Taylor and I. Just like Taylor does for me when I'm feeling down.

I can see how Taylor is like her mother. They're both very closed minded; Taylor has come a long way since, but Andrea is pretty bad with this close minded thing. But I can't blame her, she's only gotten phone calls from her daughter about how terrible I am to her, or when I've shown up home drunk or high.

Taylor's family is very religious from what I've picked up so far. That's why Andrea cringed as I talked about the night I tried to take my life. Sex before marriage isn't a thing in their house either, which is why when I had made a sexual joke at 15, her father scoffed.

Scott is right, I'm not like them and I'm not sure how hard I'll try to be like Andrea and Scott, but I'm going to try my best to be like Taylor and please her in the long run. Taylor put her life on line to make sure mine didn't end, and I owe her so much for that.

But I don't owe her parents liking me for someone I'm not. I can accept Andrea and Scott for who they are, and they can accept the atheist I am.

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