Chapter 2

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Hey here with chapter two. Hope you enjoy it. Raman and Ishita are getting married for the same reason as the show but with a twist. I hope you enjoy and please do let me know what you think.


She looked at everyone around and realized that this marriage was going to make a lot of people happy except the two that were actually getting married. But given  the life she had had, she did not care anymore as she believe that this was the least she could do and hoped he never realizes that marrying her was probably going to be the worst thing that ever happened to him. 
As Ishita walked to the mandap Raman watched his would be wife and could not help but feel sorry for himself. His life had come down to this point where he was marrying someone he really did not like and could care less about because he made the mistake of marrying Shagun.
He looked at his daughter and how happy she seemed to see her friend become her mother  and could not help but smile because it had been a while since he had seen his daughter genuinely happy. He could not help but wonder what would happen to his son because much as he was certain that his daughter was going to be okay he could not help but worry about Adi.
Raman had somehow managed to convenience the judge to order Shagun to let Adi stay with him and would visit Shagun durning holidays but he was certain his son detested him and hated him for it. He  was trying to fix his relationship with his son but felt so helpless because he knew that  marrying another woman had set this back a lot. But he had to do it because of his daughter and her need for a good mother and also as Raman would later understand, so did his son.
Aditya was Raman's first child from his first marriage, a marriage he hoped never happened but was grateful for at the same time because from it he got two of the most important things in his life. His children where everything to him and he would go to the ends of the earth for them if they needed it. His daughter loved him and he loved her because when Shagun, his first wife, left him she was still young and so she did not grow so attached to her mother. Adi left with his mother and so their relationship also grew apart.
The bad relationship between him and Shagun affected Adi and his relationship because Shagun had managed to convince his son that he did not love him at all so Raman had taken care of Ruhi and wanted to do the same for Adi.
After the Mangalsutra was tied around her neck and vermillion applied, the marriage was finally complete and they both realized this was probably going to be the most challenging experience of both their lives.
Ishita said her goodbyes to her parents who had done everything for her just to see her happy and then to her siblings Jay and Mihika who were her life. She slowly got into the car in which Raman was already seated and off they went.
Raman looked at her crying and could not help but get irritated little bit
' Here clean your face, your makeup is all smudged and you are looking scary''
''So insensitive oh God'' She thought as she took the handkerchief he was handing her
'Okay look I need to get this out just so we are clear. This marriage will run for a period of 3 years. After which you are to leave me and my family. I will pay you the remaining half of the money after the end of these 3 years. You are not to...'' He got interrupted
' Tell anyone from your family about this arrangement otherwise my dad will feel the end of it. I in no circumstance am I allowed to mistake this marriage for anything other than what it is, a contract. Your daughter is my priority and she is the reason am here. I am to get her out this rut in the next three years otherwise I will get nothing at the end of the 3years. Yeah I know the terms of my marriage.'' She answered

Ishita was walking out of the mall when she met this beautiful girl who was sitting on a bench outside the mall and she was crying not saying anything. Ishita's heart could not help but melt at the sight of that sad little angel. She walked over to the girl and asked
'Excuse me angle are you okay? What is the matter? Where are your parents?'' But the girl did not respond.
It looked like she had been sitting there for a while and was extremely tired. She looked in her bag and got out her Cadbury chocolate that she had and handed it to her with a bottle of water.
The little girl first hesitated for a while and then finally took the chocolate and started eating it. When she calmed down she looked at Ishita and pointed to a man who was frantically shouting
'Ruhi where are you? Ruhi ...''
'Is that your papa?'' she asked and the girl nodded in the affirmative
She got up from the bench and walked over to the man and said
'Excuse me. Do you know that girl over there?''
Raman turned around and saw Ruhi siting on the bench still holding a piece of chocolate in her hand and sighed in relief. And not considering the person in front of him, he walked over to his daughter and hugged her
'What the hell is wrong with you Ruhi? Why did you run away like that huh? Papa is not happy at all'. This is not done''
Ruhi who by now Ishita had gathered was the girl's name looked at the man presumably her dad and held her ears almost as if apologizing. The man pulled her into one tight hug and then walked over to Ishita
'How much''
'How much for what'' Ishita asked
'For the chocolate and water how much?'' he answered
'No no it is okay. Am just glad she is okay. She seemed distressed so it's the least I could do to help.'' She answered
'Look here I or my daughter do not need any favors especially from people like you. Here have this am sure you and your boss could use it.'' He took a bundle of cash and gave it to Ishita
'Who the hell do you think you are? I just saw a girl in distress and I helped her I was not doing anyone any favors. What nonsense is this? You should be grateful that I was here and not someone else who would have otherwise harmed your daughter. Ruhi honey please take care of yourself okay'' and with that she walked away.
Raman watched as the lady walked away could not help but wonder if he had mistaken her. When he turned to look at his daughter she was smilingly waving at the woman. Was his daughter smiling I mean was she seriously
' Ruhi beta are you...'' Ruhi instead looked at him and frowned again then she walked ahead. He looked at his daughter and hoped he could only understand what had happened to her. Why had she lost all the innocence in her life and why did she seem so sad always.
Ever since Ruhi come from Shagun's place 8 months earlier, she had stopped talking and smiling. She would wake up screaming in the middle of the night wanting to see her papa. Only when she slept in Raman's room had the nightmares stopped. Raman tried everything to find out what the hell happened to his daughter but to no avail.
He even threated Shagun and her good for nothing boyfriend Aslok but still nothing. How he wished he would something just to see that smile on her face again.
A few days had gone by and Ruhi seemed to want to go to the mall almost every day and Raman could not help but wonder whether it had something to do with that woman at the mall. She had somehow managed to bring smile to his daughter's face and he would do anything just to see that again. He therefore accompanied his daughter every day to the mall with the hope they met her again.
'Ruhi? Hey are you running away again? Oh I can see you came with your grumpy papa'' he heard a sweet voice coming from behind and frowned at the comment she made. Before he could react he heard something almost like a sweet melody. He heard a giggle from his daughter and could not believe it.e looked down at her as she smilingly nodding no while giggling.
'Bye now and keep smiling like that you look absolutely beautiful when you do.'' And with that she walked off. Raman still not understanding what was going on felt a tag on his pants as Ruhi kepy on pointing at the lady
'Uhhh excuse me. Where are you going?'' he said not sure why he asked that or what he intended to say next
'Oh am sorry. Sir, May I take my leave now?'' she asked sarcastically
'No no that's not what I meant'' He sighed and finally said
'Look we came off on the wrong foot. I mistook you for someone else and reacted the way I did and I do apo... Apol... Apologize for that. I wanted to know if you wanted to come over'' He said
'Wow you had to use every fiber of your body to apologize didn't you?'' she answered
'Hey do not push it. My daughter seems to fancy you a lot and that is why am making an effort to get to know you that's all. If it was up to me I would not be caught anywhere near you.'' He said
'wow for a man who seems to need my help you are really an ass'' she replied
'Fine whatever Just come over it will make my daughter very happy'' he replied
'Okay ignoring the fact that you are extremely rude. I do fancy your daughter too. But I will not come over, am not sure I want to come to your house. Let's do this just bring her to the park outside I have a group of kids I help care for am sure she will love it there.''
And she took Ruhi's hand as they walked out. There were a number of kids there who kept on calling her Ishita didi and they seemed excited that she had arrived. He watched as his daughter run around the park extremely lively and could not help but smile.

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