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'Shlok please I need to see you, we need to fix this.'' Said Shagun

'Do as I said or nothing is going to be fixed until you do what I want'' Said Shlok

'So what am I supposed to do, where am I supposed to get money from you have blocked all my accounts.'' Said Shagun

'You mean my accounts. It is my money Shagun, money that you and your son had been freely spending without any regard for me or my family.'' Said Shlok

''So what do you suppose i do.'' Said Shagun

'Use that little brain of yours and think of something. My ultimatum won't change. My brother is locked away and there is nothing I can do about that because of that video tape and your ungrateful daughter. You can't come back to my house until you prove to me where your loyalty lies.'' Said Shlok

'Please Shlok I can't even believe you are asking me this. I left him for you and I also gave up my children for you, how can you question my loyalties.'' Said Shagun

'No Shagun you didn't leave him, you left his poor income and nor that he is one of the richest people around, who knows where you loyalties now lay. I need proof that you love me the way you claim.'' Said Shlok before he finally hung up

'Shlok...Shlok Plea ...'' Said Shagun as tears run down her eyes

He cannot just leave me like this. I gave him 8 years of my life he can't just leave me. I am going to prove to him where my loyalties lay alright, I am going to destroy them all for humiliating me. They are going to know what it means to be an enemy to Shagun Bhalla.

She got back in the cab she had hired to take her to the hospital and ordered the driver take her back home.

Meanwhile Raman had reluctantly gone to work but he couldn't focus on anything. All he kept on thinking about was the woman he had left home. She had done something to even he couldn't put into words. Not even Shagun had the ability to do that given how much he felt for her, she never made him feel so alive like Ishita did.

He tried to stay focused but nothing happened so he figured instead of wasting time pretending to work and given he didn't have a lot to do, he should just go home. He told his personal assistant where to find him and call him in case of emmergency then just left office to go back home.

When Shagun walked in what she saw isn't what she expected, Raman was seated on a couch in his causal clothes with a glass of juice in one hand and reading a newspaper with the other while Ishita casually lay her head on his lap. She had to come forward just to make sure what she saw was what was actually happening and her eyes were not playing tricks on her.

Shagun came forward looking at Raman with an expression of disbelief

'Raman what is going...'' but before she could complete what she was saying Raman said

''Shhssshhh talk softly you will wake her up.''

'What is happening, is she okay?'' whispered a shocked Shagun

'Nothing is wrong with her, she just didn't sleep well last night.'' Said Raman

'So does that mean she sleeps on the couch like that?'' Said an irritated Shagun

'She just feel asleep while we talked.'' Answered Raman

'Couldn't she go to bed other than sleep on your lap like a child.'' Said Shagun

'She was just ... Wait... Why does it bother you anyway? It is my lap and I am not complaining besides this is her house she can do whatever she wants'' Said a clueless Raman

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