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'Divorce is what you want, Fine... I will give it to you but I will not allow you to stay here and string me or my children a long anymore. You're to tell them tonight that we are not getting back together and that you're giving up on them...''

He got up and putting on his pants grabbing his t-shirt, jacket and car keys before he walking to the table to pick his phone

'Rama... Raman wait...'' she called out and he stopped saying

'I don't know what is more difficult, the fact that you walked into this house even knowing that all along you never really had the intension of staying or the fact that you so easily gave up on us. Makes me question a lot of things... This is the most selfish I have ever seen you Ishita and I wonder if you ever even loved me in that first place or I was just a necessity...'' He said his voice breaking before he finally walked out

The day had turned out in a way Ishita couldn't even predict. She listened to Raman talk and it broken her heart because she understood that he might have been right. It indeed was selfish of her given everything they had been though, everything they had endured together, he deserved better than this.

She never really understood what he may have gone through all along. He put on a brave face and took care of everyone else without asking for anything in return. He took care of her without even expecting anything even though she repeatedly tried to push him away. He did the right by her, by their relationship, by their love for each other. He stayed and fought for them and yet she miserably failed him.

'Call the therapist...'' She said as tears streamed down her face

Ishita since she got back from hospital always had the same idea in her head; leave the Bhallas for their sake, for Raman's sake but seeing this Raman in front of her broke her heart. This was not what she wanted, he was so broken and dejected that it killed her seeing him like this.

She loved him more than anyone in this world and all this while all she was doing is seeing thing through her point of view and not his. She started to imagine what she might have done if the tables had turned and couldn't begin to fathom if she would even have the strength to still be there like he was. He didn't deserve this, he deserved better, he deserved much more. Memories of their time together kept on echoing in her head as she broke down crying

'Ishita all I am asking of you is to please let me be there for you. I am not asking for anything in return, hell I am not even asking you to love me but rather all I want is to please just let me be what you have so selflessly been for my children and me, all I am asking is to please give me your pain. You do not have to carry it alone anymore, YOU HAVE ME

'Oh My God, I have to be the luckiest man in the world. I can't believe you get to be my second chance...'' he said looking into her eyes

'I know what you mean but there will be better moments than this. I promise you that...'' he said pulling her in as he kissed her forehead

It had been close to 5 hours since Raman had walked out of the house and evens he knew that he and Ishita had never had a fight that bad. Ishita had not stopped crying since they whole thing and as much as she was worried for her sister, Vidya was of the idea that this was a good thing.

Vidya had told them that not even Ishita understood the gravity of her problem saying that Raman was Ishita's secure place. That place where she felt safe and comfortable and for as long as Raman was shielding her she wouldn't quite understand that she needed the help. When that secure bubble blow open Ishita would realize that she not only needed to get better for herself but also for her husband and her family too because they were all she really cared about.

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