chapter 39

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Raman by this point was in tears and Ishita could see him desperately trying to hide his them and desperately failing. He thought about all the pain she had to endure; now he understood why she burst into tears sometimes, it made sense. It was so unreal how someone could go through so much pain as she did

' How much worse can it really get'' he suddenly asked

' Well after a few years you kind of got accustomed to it. I mean you may never really get used to the pain but then again you cry until you can't really cry anymore so you kind of get used to just being empty, you know like an empty shell or a zombie. Anyway that was that and I honestly didn't think it would get worse but then Jai got sick and everything completely got shattered...''


' A lot had happened then. All the children I found there were either graduated or disappeared or killed. It was just me and well a few other girls who were working in the green room. We all had our duties and knew what was needed of us and when to do it. All the boys were turned to turn boys, you know like drug delivery boys and the girls remained in the farm and on packaging duty. Green room was only given to employees who were trusted which meant scared to death employees who had no way out. Jai was ill and I was not going to watch him day like many children did in that place so I had to find a way'' Said Ishita as she remembered

'Ishita it is getting worse you need to do something...'' Said Mayra

'I do not understand why won't madam help him. I do not know what to do please can you beg for her to help him...'' Said Aabha

'I tried but mama said that she didn't have money to waste on bas***ds. I do not...'' Said Mayra as she broke down in tears

'Okay just... please tell Jai to hung in there I will take care of it. I will figure something out'' Said Aabha as she looked through the window one last time and run out back to the stable

She didn't know how she was going to fix this, Jai was all she had and if anything happened to him, she would be shattered. How was she going to live with herself if anything happened to him? I have to think of something, fast and so when she saw the duty roster, she knew what needed to be done.

She smiled when she saw her name on green room duty and she was going to dare and do something that most children wouldn't dare do let alone Ms. Tee's workers. She walked into the green room and did her work as usual and when, it was time to go, she grabbed one bundle of money and put it in her underwear hoping no one saw her, and she moved out.

She walked out scared to death knowing full well if someone saw her or Ms. Tee got to find out, she wouldn't get to see the light of day. They checked them, and she freaked as she stood in line to be checked. Things were going to turn ugly so she did the one thing she could think of that would have been safe, she slipped the money in Tarish's coat and waited in line.

She was checked and cleared to go out but what she didn't count on was the fact that Tarish had actually seen her and she was going to be in his debt. As she moved up and down in the stable wondering what she had to do to get the money and somehow sneak Jai out of that place and take him to hospital, Tarish walked in holding the bundle of cash in his hand

'Well well well, can you imagine what Mama will do if she found out her favorite pet slave is actually stealing from her?'' he said

Aabha startled turned around and saw Tarish standing at the door way with the money in one hand and the other in his pocket. She knew she had been caught and she knew this was going to be the end of her life, this was it, this idiot was going to...But as she still wondered what he was going to do, she heard him say

'It really looks nice to see you freak out like this. Seriously yaar too much fun...'' as he walked to where Aabha was standing causing her to move backwards

'Look Tarish if you are going to report me then go ahead otherwise stop intimidating me.'' She said

'Oh really, but I am not intimidating you now am I?'' he said moving even closer

'Tarish I am not afraid of you, if you do not walk away...'' she said moving backwards colliding with the wall

'If you are not scared, why are you moving away fool wouldn't do anything to harm her. She wanted to just run but had no place to go so she just stood still and closed her eyes.

'I could feel his breath on my face every time he came closer and I could feel his breath close to mine. He smelled like marijuana and tobacco. It was the most disgusting thing I don't think I will ever forget. He came closer and tried to kiss me...'' said Ishita but stopped when she saw Raman stand up from his sit and walk over to the window almost as if he was trying to bottle out whatever it is she was trying to say to him.

She knew what he was thinking; he thought it was what she was meaning which made him afraid to know. He didn't think his heart would stomach it.

'Should I stop'' she asked as tears streamed down her face although the sound of her voice didn't give anything away

'Did her rape you'' Raman asked his voice breaking

'No He didn't, I mean he tried but no he didn't. Abhimanyu walked in just in time and helped'' she answered as he turned and looked at her sighing with relief but it would not last

'Wait a minute, you met Abhimanyu there? I thought you all met at the orphanage..'' said Raman

'No we met there. He was brought just after one of the boys was sold off and he was scared to his wits. Tarish wanted to kill him because he had messed up the order of packaging for one of the customers and I volunteered to take his punishment. That is how we became friends. He looked out for me, I looked out for him, it is how it worked.'' Said Ishita she took the glass of water but was visibly shaking that the glass almost slipped from her hand

Raman looked at her and understood that there was something she was not telling him. The way she looked scared after talking about this incident only indicated on thing to him

'This wasn't the first time this was happening was it?'' asked Raman holding his breath holding her answer would be in the affirmative


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