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'You know I searched for you for almost 1 year. You did a pretty good job at hiding I tell you. But I am a Chandra after all we always get what we want. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw her at the gate. Who in their right mind throws out a girl in the middle of the night? The idiots just made my work really easy.''

' Where are you and what do you want?'' said Abhimanyu who by now was scared for Ishita

'Good, now we are talking business. You see now I have no use for her but that all depends on whether or not you are willing to do what I want.'' He said

'Just tell me and stop beating around the bush'' said Abhimanyu

'What I want is you and Aabha are going to tell me where the hell my sister is. I want to know where Mayra is. Get Mayra to me and you get you Aabha back. Short of that, I will chop her body and send you a piece until she is gone. '' Said Tarish before he hanging up he added

'Oh and Abhi, you know me enough to know when I am bluffing and when I am not. You have 48 hours.''

Abhimanyu heard Tarish hang up and he wasn't sure what to even do or say or how he was going to have to explain to Jai that Tarish had their sister. All he wanted to do was call Mihika and make sure that she was okay. They always talked about what would happen if they one of them ever got caught but none of them was sure if they were ready

'Jai you need to get the car we need to go to Mumbai right now...'' Said Abhimanyu

'What is wrong? Wha...'' It took Jai a minute to figure out what Abhimanyu was saying

'Abhi what is it?'' asked Raman

'JAI IN THE CAR NOW'' Said Abhimanyu

'It can't be... No it can't...'' Said Jai who was beginning to fear for his sisters

'Jai please we need to make sure that Mihika is okay...'' Said Abhimanyu

'We can't just leave her there...'' Said Jai who was getting agitated

'Look we won't but if anything happens to Mayra you and I know she will never forgive us, it will all be for nothing, just please... Jai I promise you nothing is going to happen. I won't let it.'' Said Abhimanyu to Jai who was beginning to tear up, he then turned to Raman and said

'How much has she told you about our past''

'Everything... Abhi please tell what has happened to my wife...'' Said Raman who had an inkling of what was going on but couldn't bring himself to believe it

Everyone in the room knew something major had just developed because the way Abhimanyu's demeanor all of a sudden changed from really pissed to really scared was not normal. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know something was royally wrong

'Ishita... Tarish has her and he wants Mayra, I can't let him have Mayra, you hear me...'' Said Abhimanyu who was visible scared

'What do you mean...'' Said Raman

'If I let anything happen to Mayra Ishita will kill me. The rule has always been to protect the ones that are here, it's the way it works. So I have to go to Mumbai but you don't. Please Raman you need to fix this, Get help fast. Calling the police won't be enough. We need to serious connections because we have all but 48 hours.'' Said Abhimanyu as he looked at Raman who looked like the wind had just been sucked out of his lungs as tears began to fill his eyes

'I need you to say something such that I know you understand what I am saying. Raman...'' Called Abhimanyu shaking Raman

'Haan I ... Oh My God whaa...'' grumbled Raman

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