Back To England

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

      Back To England 

Edith's POV

   "You have a nice house here William." His mother complimented as she stepped up onto the porch.

   She had ignored me the whole car journey back to the house and even though I knew that it was just her as a person, I was not going to be talked to like I did not exist, I was marrying this man in the next few weeks and I would like for William's sake for his mother to be a part of this wedding now that she is here.

   "Thank you." William replied before we stepped inside.

      I made my way around the mother and son and wandered into the kitchen. "Oh mother, it's horrible!" I cried. "There are thousands of people down there!" The images of everyone back there who were stuck on the dock, the hollow look in their eyes. Oh my, it reminded me of how I used to feel back in the orphanage and when Lord Darlington used me for his horrendous ways – other people shouldn’t be allowed to feel like that. It was one of the worst feelings that I had ever felt and I was going to help other people – I was determined.

   Her hand went to her mouth in shock, "Oh my goodness!" She sprouted. "Where are they all supposed to go? Thousands?”

   I nodded my head, the look of horror still on my own face, "I have an idea…” I trailed off, I knew we would be helping some people from on the docks to have a place to live but I had an idea on how to help with the food, which I shall discuss with William later as I do not want to go ahead without his say. “Oh, but I must warn you – we found William’s mother in the dock but unfortunately his father didn’t make it, so I believe the whole house is going to be in mourning for the next week or so.”

   Her face fell but as quick as a flash she looked angry as hell. "And this is the woman that abandoned you and her son?" She yelled, she tried walking around me but I held my hands on her – refusing her to pass by me.

   "Keep your voice down mother, her husband has just died." I hissed. "Please, I am not happy with the arrangement either, but it's William's mother so please just try." I begged.

   She placed the tea towel from off her shoulder down on the wooden counter with a slight bang. "Well, do not expect me to be happy. I'm going to get my grand-daughter and take her on a walk, I will see you later." She was about to go out of the room when Margaret and William came into the kitchen, halting her. She sent me a scowl over her shoulder before turning back around to show Margaret her prize winning fake smile.

   "You must be her mother." Margaret spoke from the doorway in her usual flighty attitude. "My name is Margaret and I believe I best introduce myself if our children are to be married." Her nose was held in the air and she did not make any other move to be any friendlier and I had a feeling William made her be that friendly.

   I had been told to always respect those around me – that my elders were far more important than me but since I had met William, I knew that none of that mattered anymore. If they did not respect me, I shall not respect them. It was a two way street.

   "Hello, my name is Alice Smith." She spoke shortly. "And I am going to take my grand-daughter on a walk."

   "That is Elizabeth I believe?" She retorted. "The child they had out of wedlock?"

      "And your point is?" My mother spoke up, defending us which if Margaret's facial expression was to go by, she did not expect it nor like it.

   "Show me to my room William, I am tired." She told her son and with that, they disappeared out of the kitchen in an instant.

   "I do not like that woman one bit." My mum whispered to me.

      "Nor do I but we have to try." I told her sternly. "Now, please wait I need you to give this letter to the men at the docks."

   I had a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote a letter to the men at the docks saying that we had enough room for twenty people to live in and on the way back, I had discussed with William that they will be able to let around forty live in the building they were turning into the school. There weren't any beds, but there was a roof for them and Edith and William shall give them blankets and food for up to the next month, which is when they are going to start adding the interior design and they will need to be out.

   After I wrote the letter, I passed it to my mother. "I'll go and get Elizabeth, you get the pram ready."

   I wandered up the stairs and saw William sat on the top step, his head in his hands. "William?" I spoke softly before sitting beside him and placing a comforting hand on his back and my other hand in his.

   "What am I to do? My father's died and my mother has told me that I have inherited everything in England."

   I pulled him to my chest in a comforting gesture, “And why is that a bad thing?”

      “It means I’ll have to be back in England by the end of the week.” He replied.

      A gasp of surprise left my lips, “But you can’t! Titanic has just…just sank! You cannot risk your life like that.” I protested.

   “And how many other boats have sunk in the past my dear? Not many. I will be back as soon as I can,” he reassured me but it did nothing to heed my worries. We had just had a beautiful, miraculous daughter, I do not want her to end up fatherless before she could remember him.

   “Well, how about the school? And the passengers out on the dock?” I was coming up with as many excuses as I could. I did not want him to go.

   “I shall not be leaving until Monday of next week, we have enough time to steady everything.” He had an answer for everything, and they were all reasonable and it was annoying me. I wanted him to stay here with me.

   “I shall come with you.” I announced with a shaky breath. My hands were bobbing up and down on my wobbly legs, showing I was nervous.

   “No.” He defied. “I cannot risk it.”

      “But you would risk your life?” I replied. “Can you not correspond via telegram with your father’s associates?”

   “They will ruin his business, it had to be dealt with family.” William responded. “I shan’t be longer than a week.”

   I stood to my feet, “I am not happy about this at all.” I told him. “But I know you have to do this, but for now we may as well sort out your mother and getting the people up to the school and here.”

   He nodded his head in agreement and stood to his feet, raising him to at least a head taller than me. “I love that you care so much and I care that you try all the time but what is the most important thing is, I love you and I will be back for our wedding and I will make you my wife officially.” He promised.

   I gave him a sweet kiss on his lips before going back downstairs so we could prepare everything. I will talk about my idea for the food later on, I did not want to ruin the blissful mood.

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