The Date

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Chapter Six

William’ POV

I knocked on Lord Darlington’s door and wandered in. If my mother had her way, he would be my father-in-law soon.

“William, what brings you here? Charlotte is still with her Grandmother in Portsmouth.” He told me as I sat down in the chair that was opposite him.

“Yes, I know about Charlotte, this is about something else.” I told him. “I was in the market, when one of your maids, Edith was shopping. A hooligan pushed her into the river, so I took her up to the house and gave her a fresh pair of uniform and brought her back.” I explained.

“Edith? The parlour maid?” He wondered and I nodded my head. “Right, well thank you for telling me. I did not even know she had gone out of the house.”

 “Oh.” I responded. “Am I still taking your daughter out tonight?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. You two are hitting it off perfectly.” He commented and I felt the urge to tell him that I am only going on dates with her because my mother and father are pushing it.

“She is a lovely woman.”

“She certainly is.” He ended.

“Right, well I shall be going. I just did not want her getting into trouble.” I told him, before walking out of the room and back into the car that was waiting for me outside.


I stepped out of the car, to walk up to the door where Charlotte was. I knocked on the door three times, which I had been taught was a suitable and respectable amount of knocks. The door was opened by a butler. “Master William, it is nice to see you this evening.”  

I bowed my head a fraction. “Yes, the same to you.” He gave me a grateful smile as he closed the door behind me. I had always favoured this butler to any other, because he has the same personality as my father’s old gardener, Harold and it just brings back pleasant memories of sat in the garden and talking to him for hours. He was my only friend in my childhood.

“Where is Charlotte?” I asked as I looked to the top of the staircase.

“She shall be down in a moment.” The butler told me.

“Okay, thank you.”

I had been stood waiting for about five minutes when the butler pointed subtly to the top of the staircase. My eyes followed as she started to descend the stairs. Her brown hair was wavy and short. Her creamy skin was a perfect tone for the olive green floor length dress she wore. Once she had made her way to me, her small, green with purple flecks, eyes made her look flawless.

“Are we ready to go then?” I asked, starting conversation.

“William, do not be stupid. Of course we are ready to go.” She told me in a harsh tone.

The butler opened the door. “Thank you.” I told him earnestly.

Once we were outside, Charlotte turned to me. “Why do you say thank you? He is just doing his job.” She sneered.

She may be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, but she is also a nasty person and I am never going to be seeing her again. I shall have to persuade my mother that she is not the right girl for me.

We climbed into the car and the chauffeur drove us to the opera.

Once we arrived, the lights outside the building were bright and large. The four, high pillars made the stone white building stand out from all the other buildings surrounding the Opera house. We were watching Don Quichette by Jules Massenet , my father and mother had been to see it in London and they couldn’t help but give great reviews about it, so as soon as my mother had heard about its coming to Southampton, she pressured me into taking Charlotte to see it, for our second date. I feel like it is already going too far and I do not want to hurt her feelings. If she behaved more like Edith, then I would be happy because Edith’s personality is more lady like.

The chauffeur opened the door for us and I stepped out first and placed my hand in her’s as I helped her get out of the car. “I hope your parents’ reviews were good.” She said in a condescending tone as we ascended the steps outside.

“I am sure they were.”

“How is your father doing with the Titanic?” She asked and I smiled that she wasn’t just being self-centred. “When it is done, you are taking me with you, aren’t you?” She ended.

“He is doing very well, thank you and I do not even know if I am going on the Titanic myself, yet.” I told her carefully.

She turned towards me. “Your father told me that you had two tickets.”

“Yes, I know. But I do not know if I am going to use them.” I corrected.

“You should, it is the largest liner in the whole world. Everybody I know has tickets for the ship.” She told me.

“Oh, you can have the second ticket if you want.” I do not mind giving it to her, if she wants to be on the ship so urgently.

“Thank you.” She used her manners in the sweet voice that she used in front of my parents.

We sat down in our seats in the box, which was to the left of the stage. There were large amounts of people coming in through the doors at the bottom, where all the lower class people sat. I had always felt guilty and upset when I saw them, because I had been privileged when I grew up and they had hardly anything. But when I saw them, they also looked happy and contented which made me confused and curious.

The opera was about a farm girl becoming a rich beauty. During the whole performance, I couldn’t help but relate the story to Edith. She had been playing on my mind since I saw her on the river bank.

Clapping erupted throughout the room and I started clapping as well, standing up as well. It was brilliant. The actors and the music were portrayed perfectly.

I glanced at Charlotte and she had a frown fitted on her face. I sighed. “Did you enjoy it, Charlotte?” I asked as we exited the booth.

“I did not. It was about a woman of the town turning down a prince because she believes she is better than herself. It was unrealistic.” She stated with an air of confidence.

“I thought it was realistic. If you are not in love, then why would you marry someone?” I asked her.

“Because it is the way of life, not everyone finds the person you love. You may as well settle down with whom your parents want you to be with. It is easier and paves the way for a life with less hassle.” She said before climbing into the car.

I stood outside the car in a stunned silence, before finally taking my seat in the car.

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