Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Edith’s POV

   William had been gone for six days now and I had not heard of another ship sinking so I had hope that he had arrived back in England. He would send a telegram once he arrived but it took a number of days to get here, so I was still on edge wherever I went and I could hardly hold my concentration on one particular thing at a time.

   I was wrought with worry and my mother had been brilliant with Elizabeth. Harriet and Peter were helping out with the Titanic survivors, well the ones that were left. There had been almost two weeks since they came and a lot of them had moved on now but there were still eleven guests left. Margaret was still looking down at me but I knew that I could not snap at her, it would not be nice. She had just lost her husband after all.

   Apart from that, everything was okay. The house was always full, which was actually a really good thing as it meant I was always busy and not thinking about how much I missed William.

   Every two days, I also made the trip up to see the school. Those that were camping up in the building had all gone now. The few that were left have moved into the house and construction on the interior has started now and it is shaping up to be really good, which is always a good thing.

   There were going to be dorm rooms for the girls and boys and at least ten different classrooms for science and for English and maths, or math as they called it over here, and it was all just really good. The children will be ecstatic.

   George Eastman had also kept in good correspondence with us and he was helping to promote our school wherever he went and we were getting letters from as far as California asking for their child to be a part of our school. Every morning when I saw a letter from doting parents, it made me happy because we were going to actually make a huge difference to a number of children’s lives now and hopefully in the future.

   The only problem was that we could house forty boys and fifteen girls at first at fifty pound a semester and hopefully we will be able expand and accept more students. At the moment, we needed seven more boys and six more girls but we have until August and I was worried that we would have too many children applying. William said that if that is the case, we shall have an entrance exam and the more talented of children will be accepted.

   The grand opening was set for this September and I was more than happy. Although William does not want me working anymore so I would have the chance to bring up our Elizabeth, I knew that I would not let that stand. My heart is set on teaching cookery.

   When I was working for the horrible George Darlington, who did not survive the Titanic either but I was never going to mourn his death after what he did to me. Charlotte, his daughter survived but when we offered her a place to stay she outright refused so I do not know what has become of her.

   Anyway, when I was working for George and afterwards when I was working for Margaret, I had always been interested in cooking, I had learnt a few tips from the head cooks and since I have been here, I have really come into my own with my cooking and being able to teach it will not only expand my mind but I could help others.

   We were going to help a child concentrate on one subject that they enjoy and are best at and the rest to help fill up the day and even though cooking wasn’t a traditional academic subject, it would be extremely helpful to teach the girls the subject. It would give them a breather from other more challenging subjects.

   I wandered into the kitchen to see Harriet sat at the oak table with a pencil and some paper. “What you up to?” I smiled as I sat at the table with her.

   “Drawing,” she muttered as she carried on.

      Leaning over her shoulder slightly, I could see that she was drawing the kitchen and she was actually really good considering her age and mental abilities. It was no secret that Peter was extremely brainy and that Harriet was not but seeing her drawing with a great interest really warmed my heart. Peter was getting all the attention since the school was being built as he was a shoe in for a place.

   “You are very good,” I complimented her and she placed her pencil down and looked up to me.

      “Do you think?” She beamed and I nodded my head encouragingly. It wasn’t a masterpiece but considering her age it was really good. She had a few of the details like the cutlery hanging on some hooks on the wall and she had the counters and the huge window, so she was really good and with practice she could be amazing.

   “You just keep drawing and you could be famous one day,” I smiled before getting to my feet to check on the beef stew that was on the stove. With the huge wooden spoon, I started to stir it in the huge pan. It had been cooking since seven this morning and it was now two in the afternoon, ready to be dished out for four o’clock for everyone who was still at the house.

   “Do you know where father is?” I asked Harriet.

      She shook her head, “No,” she didn’t lift her head, just carried on drawing. With a fond smile, I exited the kitchen and made my way upstairs where Elizabeth was having her afternoon nap to see Margaret sat on the rocking chair in the corner with her in her arms.

   “Oh,” I spoke in surprise.

      Margaret looked up at me in shock. She looked from the baby to me and then back to the baby like this was a huge secret but in all honesty, all I found it to be was endearing.

   “Well, she is my only granddaughter,” she explained.

      “You do not have to explain anything to me, I just came to check if she was okay and I can see that she is.” I smiled fondly. “If you want, I shall leave you two alone, I can see she is in good company.”

   I didn’t like the woman very much but she was Elizabeth’s grandmother and William’s mother first and foremost and I did not want to become the barrier that separates them, hopefully over time she will come to accept me but now I have a husband almost and a beautiful daughter and my parents and siblings are alive, I did not need her acceptance anymore, looking at the two of them I realised that.

   I had everything I need right now.

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