Prince : Automatic so in love with you!

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"Well.. okay I was...." I began only to get cut off by Prince.

"With Micki?"

"Micki? No why would you think that?" I asked with my heart pounding.

"Just curious, so where were you?"

I had lunch" I replied nonchalantly.

"Lunch with another guy?"


"So then tell me who, go on."

"I had Lunch with JillB. Yes, she wanted to meet and,.." I paused watching as Prince shook his head. Then I said:

"Look I am sorry I lied, but she called me up and wanted to have lunch, so that is what I did."

"Why would you do that? Why did you not tell me you were going to have lunch with her? Are you now sharing notes with Jill?"

"Notes? I did not tell you because you would have stopped me and I wanted..."

"Okay, so what did she say to you?"

She said I am not worthy of you; in not so many words."

Damn it, Athena, you always do this," he said taking in a deep breath. "Okay it is cool."

"You are not mad?"

"No  Mell leaves tonight; she knew the rules around here."

"The rules, Nooo! are you firing her because of me?" I ask in shock.

"She is no longer needed; I will take care of you besides you still have Stacy."

"No, you are too busy to watch over me all day and night, please she needs the job. Please, Prince" I said trying my best to stay calm.

"She betrayed my trust, and again my name is no longer Prince. No one is allowed to call me by that name anymore, including you!

"Fine!" I said placing my palm on my forehead. "But you are under contract with Jill's dad and."

"No, I made my decision we are no longer under him. I formed a new group today while you were out. I changed my name,  cut a few of the staff around here because I will be using my money to bankroll everything I do henceforth. No advances and record deal with the suits!"

"You can't possibly be serious; these people have families! you have a pending lawsuit with your ex,...."

"You know you are beginning to sound like Steve, and that is not what I need," Prince said. "When I want something to go away I usually pretend it is not there, and eventually it goes away."

I had a gut feeling that if I argue with him some more, he might be talking about me. Leaving me. So I decided to change the tone of my voice.

"I am just trying to reason with you.... we have a child on the way, and oh yeah, and Jill also said the baby is yours. I want to know please did you sleep with her and Annabel and Blucarmen and" I raised my voice, which Prince hated. My insecurities made me imagine he was seeing them all at the same time including me.

"Why are you screaming so loud? You know I am not a man of war!" He asked softly. I continued to raise my voice.

"I see, loving you has been a waste of my time," Prince said rising to his feet, balancing on a temporary crutch. "You remember you said the baby is not mine, is it, Athena? Whose is it? Micki's?   Please don't tell me that you all got down" He said looking at me dead in the eyes.

Prince was well aware of the effect he had on me. Today My very own words from the past had returned to haunt me, tearing down on my soul.

He continued to walk stoically, moving past me.

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