Prince: Black Sweat With You Forever

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Listen I'm his mother!" I yelled.

Then I said: "I freaking know what my son needs, so don't tell me. OK? You've done well enough already, wish you would just go away!"

She stood up prepared to say something when Prince walked back into the room.

I quickly wiped the tears away.

I swallowed hard biting my lower lip; I shook my head upset by Alicia's blatant disregard of my home.

I've had enough of this.

I will be lying if I said, Alicia did not make me worry about my not living at Paisley, but in some apartment away from my husband.

"Are you girls alright?" Prince asked.

"Yes we're just fine," Alicia grinned mischievously.

I turned to Prince and said: "No darling, we're not fine in fact Alicia was just leaving."

Alicia stared at me with darkness in her eyes and silently pursed her lips, as though saying "I didn't say so, where did you get that impression?"

But then she changed her mind, flipped her head to the side, rolled her eyes, lifted her hands up in the air and said: "you know what, she's right, I think I'm just going to head on out. Here"

She pulled out a cup of applesauce from her bag and angrily tossed it to me. And with that, she walked smiling up to Prince, my husband, tapped him on the shoulder and walked out the door.

"Are you OK she left all the sudden?" Prince asked.

"She had a lot on her plate, " I said turning around tossing the apple sauce in the trash, opened up the refrigerator and noticed Nate's food placed there by Mel. I pulled it out to feed Nate.

I was not only determined to make up for lost time but also committed to finding out the truth from Prince.

"Why the hell am I in an apartment and not at Paisley; I cried out needing to know the truth.

Nate got a little fussy when I sat down to feed him. Prince grew concerned and said:

"I'll get Mel!" He exclaimed, trying to step away.

"No, you would not do that!" I exclaimed looking up at him."Not today please."

His eyes widened, surprised to hear me talk like that.

"What did you say?" He asked concerned, surprised at my outburst.

"Calling Mel is not necessary, I can take care of my son. I am his mother. I will take care of him the way I dim fit," I huffed and cursed under my breath.

Prince smirked mischievously, clapped his hands and said: "Wow, is this the new you? What has gotten into you?"

I wanted to say "Nothing, this is the real me, but I never had the chance to tell you how I felt because I wanted to please you." But the words did not come out.

Granted, I got sidetracked here and there; deep down inside I wanted to fight for my marriage to the man I love. Call me crazy; I do not care.

So I softly said: "I think we should be a family. I want to see what it feels like to be together, can I care for my boys, darling? Once I am done taking care of my Nate, You are next!"

Finding my words amusing, he walked up and sat next to Nate and I. A beautiful smile formed across on his face, he said:

"This is what I've always wanted a family of my own; my legacy is complete."

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