Finale 7 only want to see you purple rain

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I turned, and who did I see? None other than you know who, Yes her, J ! Oh my god, what was she doing here?
I turned to Prince
He looked away, turned to her, and said, "it's great to have you here."
My eyes widened, really is this really happening?
Is he really serious right now?
"Hell no," I blurted out: "what are you doing here, do you?"
That's the moment Prince interjected and said, "whatever happened in the past remains in the past. There's a better life out there. The afterlife is excellent. I've been there, and I've been back
I know friendships matter right now. I'm not going to leave this world holding a grudge. Besides Alex you should know that life has its ups and downs and besides she is part of the family."
I swallowed but I knew better than to question him. I couldn't believe he loved so easily.
I wondered if he forgot everything that happened in the past?
What is going on? How could he be so forgiving. I folded my hands and slid my hair behind my ears!
It's freaking  crazy, I wanted to say something  but I love this man. I do not want anyone to hurt him. I guess maybe I  judged her wrong. I love Prince, the kindest man in the universe. So there.
If this is what it is, then so be it.  She paced the room and smiled. I turned away and said, "no you are not really here?"
She looked at me with widened eyes
"I'm sorry I don't understand whatever happened between us should be left in the past. We're in the future now we're looking forward to the future.And besides Prince won't have me here if he didn't want me here."
She looked mysteriously at me.
l I couldn't tell if she was being friendly or if she was just being pretentious.
Part of me said she was being pretentious but I wasn't going to let her get the upper hand no way no how.
I am Prince's wife and that is the way it's going to remain and he's been through so much and he's just gotten back and now we're having a party?
This is insane. Whatever you have with Prince right now I don't think this is a good time for you to be here. I couldn't believe it not only was Mickey here no Jill was here as well who else was going walking any minute and that's the moment Rick walked in and said hey everyone so glad to see you're feeling better hope Prince. I failed my hands in the air.
I knew I couldn't do anything this party was going to hold where I liked it or not I would rather you didn't stay I would've preferred if we both just had a quiet evening with Nate. But Prince was adamant he was going to have this party. I peered out the window to notice the lights outside. The party was going to happen. There was nothing I could do to stop it even if I wanted to; it would never happen. I swallowed instead of Prince, the man I loved
. He reached for my hand, I pulled back and acted like I couldn't hold his hands.
He smiled and said hi see you're still very stubborn.
He held my hand and led me to a different room and then he told me, "you cannot go through life that way. You cannot let things The pass-through your future. You are in charge of your own destiny and God is going to protect us. Relax let's have some fun tonight. I want to have this party, and after that maybe we can see a movie. What do you say Alex oh my darling ,Athena. Prince leaned forward, cupped my face and kissed my lips.
"I love you," he announced.
He sounded so different.
He smiled this is my husband and I will respect his wishes.
Even if I might not agree with it there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening here made up his mind and there was no stopping him so I guess I'm stuck with this.
He swallowed and then I said, "I will support you in everything that you do because you are my husband. But even more I'm so happy you're OK and if this party makes you happy then let's do it."
I turned to her and smiled. This was not an ordinary love, what Prince and I share is way past soul mates!
Just then the door swung open and in walked my mother with Nate in her arms. Nate slid out of her hands and  ran towards me.
I grabbed him and lifted him up. Prince walked up and planted a tender kiss on Nate's forehead. He was pleased to see him. I felt like we were one. A family once again. It felt great.
My mother smiled to see Prince and I together again.
She hugged Prince and said "it's so good to see you, but what's all this commotion going on outside don't tell me you're planning a party again?"
Prince smirked mischievously  at me and then he smiled at my mother.
He said "Yes we have at the party. Everyone's going to be here with everyone, my friends and everybody. My family is going to be here."
My mom looked a little confused.
She turned to me, questioning what he meant by family? Prince stepped away for a moment leaving me standing next to mom.
I sighed and told my mother, "when he says his family, he means fans. He considers them his family because, of course, fans are fanatics, and he prefers to use the word family."
Mom nodded. The next thing I knew Rick walked in and  kissed my mother.
They acted like teenagers. I shook my head. Prince laughed and then he whispered in my ear, he had to go take care of something. He also had to meet some people. I nodded and watched as he walked out. I told mom I had to take care of something. She nodded and  I walked right out the door with Nate in my arms.
And guess what?
I walked right onto  Mickey.
Mickey smiled at me and said, "Beauty, it's good to see you again."
I inhaled and exhaled.
I swallowed. He smiled at me, then he looked tenderly at Nate and said, "whatever happened between us, I want you to know that I wished he was mine."
I nodded and said, "I'm sorry, but I must be going now. It's good to see you, and I'm glad that you and Prince made up."
He laughed and said, "we never had any problems. We are friends and family for life. He's my brother."
I swallowed and hurried past him, and then I ran into Slash.Gosh, Slash looked handsome and honestly, "I was kind of smitten and intrigued by him. He laughed and said it's good to see you again. Are you going to be on stage as well? I said that all depends and Prince tonight. He smiled and said," I understand."
And with that, he held my hand and said, "Athena, I want you to know that whatever happens, you will forever be in my heart."
I smiled, and then I walked out to find a lot of people walking all over the place. His old band members arrived, wow, everyone turned up. Tonight is going to be a magical night perfect I said oh my god this is so perfect. Michael then walked up to me and said, "it's great to have friends back. You look great. I think I would love to see you on stage." I laughed and said it all depends on friends. Michael raised an eyebrow and said, "might depend on him, but you also have a say." You could tell him you want to play tonight. You can do that for yourself, do something for yourself first thing we want to hear you play. I smiled. That's the moment Prince walked in and said, " you ready?"
I nodded, but then I glanced up and there he was, Mickey. I stood nervous as hell.
Mickey smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
Prince said  in his deep low voice, "that's enough."
I giggled. I looked up and noticed/looking at us. I thought well, I guess everything's come full circle? Whatever the hell that means. I was just so happy to have Prince back. Suddenly the lights got purple outside, and Prince said, "it's showtime." And with that, my husband called me into his arms and ushered me towards the stage.
I was a bunch of freaking nerves. But Prince stood tall. He was so lovely to me.
He handed his guitar over to me and said, "Athena this is your moment."
I nodded and with trembling hands, I grabbed the guitar.
And with that, he stepped back and let me play.
Then Prince held the microphone and started singing as I strummed a melody on the guitar around him.
He whispered into my ears, "you're doing great, babe."
I blushed and nodded.
That's the moment I decided there's no one else for me but Prince. I'm so glad we were together again.
I can't imagine being with anyone else but him. We played all the hits songs. But the most important to me is not the purple song.
It was all seven because it meant something special. I'll be honest when I say. I still think he should've waited awhile before getting on stage.
But his  friends and people came from all over just  to see him.
He then asked me to sing.
I did.
I'm not much of a singer, but then he whispered into my ear, "Sing mama just like the first night when we met. Remember in the hotel, I sang and you danced. Now it's your turn to sing and I dance! Picture no one here, but you and me baby."
I nodded.

And with that, he started playing a mean guitar riff, and I couldn't help but sing as Prince jammed some hot dance moves!
He then called everyone on stage, and he danced, and they danced.
I didn't want the night to end. But then all good things sometimes too. The party ended and it was over.
That's the moment someone tapped me on my shoulder. I winced and turned around.
My eyes widened to see him standing there, none other than my Ex.
Prince got distracted. I slid my hair behind my ears and exclaimed, "what are you doing here?"
He moved closer and smart to mischievously.
He said "whatever we had was not in the past. If anything, this was just the beginning.
I shook my head and said, "no, this cannot be."
He laughed and said, "Yes, it is everything is going to change now."
I danced away from him and hurried to Prince. I wrapped his strong arm around my waist and we danced.
I guess you could say the party was a success because as marvelous as this might sound, Prince was able to get everyone together as he always did.
I guess I made him something magical.
But now I have another problem to face: What did the future hold? I think we'd just have to find out when the time comes. But for right now I just want to stay dancing underneath the purple skies.
" Let's go, my love. Time to make love."
I swallowed turned around, and he was gone. I turned back to Prince as he led me away. Let's just hope I wouldn't have another baby! But hey why not? I am married to the master, the best, what more could a girl wish for. Well here goes nothing...

The end.
Watch out for part two.

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