❤️Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: If You Could Have Any Wish Granted...

"Hurry up bitch, it's the first day of school" Brooke yells at me as I exit her car.

You may all be wondering who is Brooke and why is she speaking to you like this?

Well, Brooke is my best friend since kindergarten. We are very close and have done everything together. So we pretty much treat each other like shite but that's just how our friendship works.

It was the first day of school and I was not eager to walk into the hellish hallway.

Brooke and I open the doors and are greeted with the buzz of students all chattering and catching up with people who they haven't seen all summer. Ah kill me now.

We push our way through everyone and find the reception to collect our schedules and new locker numbers.

We greet Mrs Darrel as she hands us our little school year packs which consists of our timetable, locker number, teachers of our classes, the school rules and a school calendar.

After that was all collected, we decided to go to Brooke's locker. She unpacked all her books and stick up her timetable in her locker, chucking the rest of her school pack into her locker aswell.

We then decided to go to my locker so I could unpack all my books.

After walking around for a while we finally find my locker and I start setting up all my books neatly along the shelf. Brooke rolls her eyes at me and then goes off to get a drink from the drink tap nearby.

"Hey babydoll"

I turn to my left so see who just said that and to see if they were talking to me.

What a sight I saw, Will, the bad boy of our school is standing next to me with his arms crossed over his chest and is leaning against the locker next to me. Why is he even here, like he is hot and all but no.

"If you could have any wish granted right now, what would it be" he says licking his lips and smirking like he wants to get in my pants. Of course he does, he is a badboy/player.

"To get the fuck away from you" I reply back rolling my eyes and going back to setting up my books. Well that sounded ruder than I thought. I didn't mean for it to sound rude.

"Sorry babydoll, that's not gonna happen because we are locker buddies and this one right here is mine, guess we will be seeing each other more often" he wriggles his eyebrows raising his pointer and middle finger to his lips, kissing them. He then pushes his fingers to my MY lips, smirks and then walks away.

"See you later babydoll" he calls out over his shoulder. And with that he was gone

"Oh my freaking god, was that who I think that was" Brooke calls to me approaching my locker.

"Will Alexander?"

"Yes, as if he talked. Apparently he doesn't talk to anyone and closes everyone out except for his best friend. And even every girl he sleeps with cause he has slept with like the whole female population, he still doesn't even talk to them" I listen carefully as Brooke explains this. How did I never know that Will, like the hottest bad boy and boy for that matter at our school was like this.

I go on to explaining everything he said and that I said and what happened and Brooke just listens with a smile on her face, giggling through my whole story.

We part ways as the bell goes and head off to our separate classes. I could help but keep thinking back to what Brooke said about him only talking to his best friend. How did I never notice this?!?

Why did he even talk to me if what Brooke said was true?

Authors Note:
Woah, I teleported into this story, how did that happen? Haha but anyway, I just thought I would post the first chapter of this story just to give you a sneak peak of what will be in store for you guys. I want to try and make this story a bit more funny and add some more humor into it. Let me know what you guys think! But HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!!
Xx your average teen girl

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