❤️Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Crawl Up A Chickens...

After half an hour, I finally decided to go to Wills room and see what was wrong.

I open the door and notice that he wasn't there. I knew exactly where he would be. I closed the door and then climbed out the window.

I crawled along the roof, literally crawled as I was so scared I was gonna fall.

I get up to the top and notice the bed was already out and the faint smell of cigarette made me know that Will was up here too.

I crawled over to the bed and sat down on it.

I wiggle my way over towards Will who was sitting in the corner of the mattress.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask softly. He turns his head and once notices me he puts out his cigarette.

He nods and gives me a fake smile. I move closer as he has now put out his cigarette and I won't die.

"What's wrong? Why did you run out like that?"

He looked down at his hands and then turned around to face me.

"I... I feel guilty" he stutters.

"Why Will?"

"Because I stole your first kiss and I know that you wanted it to be special" he gets up and goes to leave.

I grab his arm and pull him back down to sit next to me.

"Don't feel guilty. It was special, because you were opening up to me about your past and I am the first one you have done that to. Which makes it special. And between us it felt amazing" I whispered the last part.

He gave me a small smile and then pulled me in for a hug. I hug him back.

Will was being so nice lately and I couldn't believe how much he changed in such a short amount of time.

Will then got up and held out his hand for me to get up. I grab his hand and he pulls me up to his side, catching me before I fall back the other way.

We then walk inside. Will insisted that he walks behind me so if I fall, he can catch me. I feel that it wouldn't do much though cause he would just fall down with me.

We get inside and walk out of his room to the lounge room where everyone else was sitting.

Zack smirk at me and I just give him a confused look as to why he is smirking. He then made actions as if to say we had sex. I viciously shook my head at him. He laughed, the little jerk.

"So, you get laid yet?" Justin asks Will cheekily. Zack rolls his eyes and Will grunts.

"He will get laid sooner than you" I retort to Justin. I have no idea why, but Will has helped me so I think I should pay back the favour and help him as he isn't in the most confident state right now.

"Yeah right. He hasn't been laid since he met you" Wills eyes widen, Zacks eyes widen and Justin's eyes widen as he realises what he said. I don't understand why all three guys get so shocked by his comment.

"Well the only chance you will ever get laid is if you crawl up a chickens ass and sit there and wait" I then smirk back at Justin as Wills eyes light up and whispers a thank you to me. I give him a small smile and then give a big smile back to everyone. Justin and Brooke both go upstairs to do god only knows what, leaving Zack, Will and I in the lounge room.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my bra while the boys flick through the shows on Netflix.

It reads:
From: Blocked Number
Hello again gorgeous. I guess you still haven't got the idea to leave Will. But it doesn't matter as I will make you mine while your precious little Will suffers.
Xoxo NC

Will looks at me and asks if I am ok. I nod.

He then looks over my shoulder obviously not falling for my terrible acting.

He reads the message and then stands up.

This isn't a good time for him to see these messages as he isn't very emotionally right, if that even makes sense. He grips his hair and growls, then bolts up the stairs taking two at a time.

I look at Zack and he looks at me. I then show him the text.

"Obviously this person hates Will or has something against Will and then they have a crush on you or something" Zack states.

"Well fuck them. Will has been so kind, he really has changed Zack and it's really good for him. I want him to stay safe and to go back to normal again with no threats" I reply.

"Ariella, if you haven't noticed, he only treats you like a fucking princess, the rest of us he mostly gets angry at some of the comments said. Even though before the whole incident he would have just laughed at them. You are so lucky girl, he treats you like a princess and places you on a pedistool and doesn't let anyone else talk bad about you. He is also quite protective of you and you are the first person he has opened up to about the incident. Not even I know the whole story. Well I know parts of it. But that doesn't matter. He would actually take a bullet for you Ari, you just need to be there for him and help him even more, he is getting better and I know I keep telling you this but please just do it for me... and for Will" he pleads and then smiles.

I nod and then go up the stairs to his room to go see Will. He wasn't there. There was a new hole in the wall where he had obviously punched it and his cigarette packet and motorbike keys were gone.

I knew he had gone to fight club.

Authors Note:
Think of this chapter as your Christmas present from me!!! I hope you had an amazing day with family and friends and got spoilt! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!. LOVE YOUS
Xx Your Average Teen Girl

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