❤️Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: ...So Is A Grenade

I woke up to the sound of giggles. Slowly opening my eyes, the bright light burns through my eyes. So I close them again.

Me and Will are still in the same position we fell asleep in. I smile to myself, I don't know why.

I try to get up. The bed wiggles like mad. What the heck. I could hear the giggles.
I squint at Will and see that he is starting to open his eyes too.

I can feel him moving beside me. He sits up, the bed wiggles and I fall off with a splash.

Oh my god, I am in water and I can't swim. I kick, I splutter and start to go further under the water. Until a muscly pair of arms grabs me bridal style and lifts me above the water. I cough out all the water from inside of me, most of it lands on Will but he doesn't even react to it.

"Who the fuck put us on water while we were sleeping. That was so dangerous. SHE CANT SWIM YOU DICKHEADS" Will yells at Justin, Zack and Alec"

"But she could swim the other day when we were all swimming in the pool" was Alec's smart ass reply.

"No she fucking couldn't Alec. I was holding her above the water" Will replied.

Alec then turned around and ran out laughing. What was his deal.

"Why the fuck was he laughing" Will yells as he carries me up the steps of the pool.

"He was the one who did it and then dragged us all here to see it" Justin calls over his shoulder.

How did he even get in the house?

"I'm ok Will. You don't have to carry me"

"No babydoll, I have to" His reply confuses me to the max. What does he even mean. I don't know.

He walks into the laundry that is downstairs and then grabs a huge towel.

"Take your clothes off and then wrap this around you" he says as he hands me the towel. He then stands outside the door and waits for me to do as he says.

I walk out with one hand clutching the towel to my body. I had my bra and undies on underneath which to me isn't much of a problem because that's what I wear to bed but I was walking around the house with Will around.

"Don't you need to warm yourself up as well cause otherwise you will get sick" I tell him.

"Don't worry about me babydoll, I'll look after myself later"

He then puts his hand on my lower back and then leads me to the couch. He instructs me to sit down. I do as he says but my body starts to shiver a little.

He runs away. Wow how kind just run away.

But he actually returns with a big fluffy grey blanket and he wraps it around my shoulders. It instantly warms me up.

Will then turns on the tv and then walks away.

After about 5 minutes he returns with a big fluffy grey blanket wrapped around himself too.

Will plonks himself down next to me and then flicks the tv onto Netflix.

He flicks through a lot of different shows and series before deciding on Pretty Woman.

"Pretty Woman?" I question

"Thought it was a good choice for you. Do you like Pretty Woman?"

"Of Course Will. I love it"

We both snuggle into the coach. Will gets up and grabs some popcorn for us to eat while watching the movie.

I start to dose off. I then feel something crawl across my leg. It felt furry.

I look down and there was a furry spider sitting on the couch next to me. I squeal and jump away. I run over and stand next to the tv. There is no way I am going to go near that thing.

"Babydoll what's wrong?"

I just point at the spider clutching my blanket tightly around my body.

"Don't worry A, the spider is smaller than you"

"Yeah, so is a freaking grenade"

He huffs and then gets up and grabs the bug spray.

Will sprays the spider and it runs around like crazy on the couch. I focus my attention on the movie for a minute until he dies.

"Umm don't move Ari, but the spider is on your blanket" Will calls to me. I look down and surely enough, there he is.

I drop my blanket and then run off screaming towards Will. I grab part of his blanket and cover up my front with it.

I don't really want him so see all this yet. Pink, matching, lacy undergarments are not on a friend kind of level.



"You have mint as tits"

I blush so hard. My whole body turns pinker then my undies.

"What are you DD, cause damn"

I turn even redder. How could he just guess my cup size like that.

"Fuck yeah, I guessed right. Anyways here's my blanket I'll go and take yours and dispose of the spider"

He then hands me his blanket and then walks off towards my blanket. I watch his back muscles flex as he walks and then bends down to pick up the blanket.

It is then I notice something on the back of his shoulder.

"Hey Will"


"What is that on the back of your shoulder?"

"A tattoo" He replies like it's no big deal.

"Ooh ooh lemme see lemme see" I beg sounding a little too eager.

He smirks and then strides over, dragging the blanket behind him.

Will sits down next to me and turns away so I can see the tattoo.

It reads;
semper in mente, in corde perpetuo

"What does that mean?" I ask, skimming my finger over the tattoo. He shivers a little at the touch

"It is Latin for Always in my mind, forever in my heart"

I want to know why he has that tattooed on him but I don't want to pry.

"It's beautiful Will. When your ready, you can talk to me about the story behind it if you ever need"

He turns around and then smiles at me. Giving me a quick hug and then wrapping the blanket around himself. Paying his attention back to the movie.

I watch him while he is watching the movie. His expression is so serious and he looks like he is deep in thought and is right into the movie. It's actually quite cute.

Authors Note:
I have posted so many updates today. I am so surprised at myself. Hope you like the chapter. Please comment and vote. Love you
Xx An Average Teen Girl

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