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Another day has begun, as usual Soleil went to school with her bodyguards. She was the talk of the town because of what she has done to Ezekiel. No one ever dodged or rejected him like that. She went to her locker, as she opened ths there were notes for her. Some were threats that if she goes with Ezekiel, she'll suffer and the others were just simply love letters. She asked her bodyguards to get rid of the paper. She then went to the library and read books. You may not know this but Soleil is a nerd. How she loves reading book.

On the other hand, Ezekiel Ford just arrived school. He felt kinda embarrassed after what happened yesterday. He thought that she was really challenging.

Their first class was P.E. and they couldn't get more excited, especially the boys because the girls will be wearing a really short shorts. As they went into the hall, Ezekiel scanned the room to look for someone that is worth his attention. He saw Scarlett, the school slut but he couldn't help but think how sexy Scarlett was and how he wished he was with her and do some naughty things. The door opened and they thought that the teacher has arrived but they were wrong. The boys were stunned to see Ally and Soleil. Soleil has a perfectly shaped body and her legs were really long, Ezekiel's attention went to Soleil from Scarlett. His best friend, Rain couldn't stop watching Scarlett and he knows that Rain might be smitten by her.

They played games that was connected with trust. Everyone was atleast to be paired up with each other. When it was Rain and Soleil's turn, Rain's face showed like ha had won in a lottery, this annoyed Ezekiel. He can see that Rain was really enjoying as he was touching Soleil in the waist. 'Can't she even notice that she is being harassed' he annoyingly asked a retorical question to his mind.

It was almost the end of PE class, Ezekiel was still annoyed that everyone in his gang had a change to be paired up with Soleil except for him. He thinks that this is the way that the universe is telling him that no matter what he does, he can never let her fall for him but ofcourse being the mighty Ford he thinks the complete opposite.

They gathered up, it was announced that the classes later on will be cancelled for the freshmen will have an activity in the gym. Ezekiel lazily went up in his gang and lazily listened to what they were saying.

"Shit, she smells so good." Rain said, Ezekiel couldn't help but chuckle. Everyone smells good well except for Nerdy Kim for she rarely has time to shower since she is so occupied with studies.

John playfully smirked at Ezekiel and places his arm over Ezekiel's shoulder, "Dude, you don't have to be bitter just because you were the only boy who hadn't got a chance to be paired up with Soleil." he said

Ezekiel immediately yanked the arm that was on his shoulder and punched John playfully, "Dude, it's her lost not mine. Everyone wanted to be paired up with me and take advantage." he proudly said.

Everyone looked at him and gave him a look of disagreement, "To be honest, Soleil is a special one because she doesn't see you." Heath truthfully said.

Ezekiel looked Soleil from a far. He knew that Heath was right but he is just indenial about it.

The program started, it was an opening day for the freshmen. In this day they welcome the new comers and the person who got the most highest results as they did their entrance examination.

A lot of new faces were seen as they went up the stage when their names are called and there is also a visual representation of their background and their social class. A lot of people cheered when Soleil was called up. Ezekiel then looked at what was in the visual representation.

Soleil Isabel Montereal Manuel

The Only Daughter of President Theodore Manuel III and First Lady Minerva Manuel
Came from the clan of the prestigious families of the Manuels and Montereal.

Social Class: First Class

Course: Medicine

"So she's taking medicine?" he asked himself, "she must be smart then."

Before the open day has ended, they called out the person who got the highest results.

"That would be Nerdy Kim as always." a lot of people had said while Ally and Soleil were really getting bored and has been dying to get out.

"Just call the name already and we can all go." they shouted but it was more like a complain.

The speaker gave out a loud sigh that it was loud enough for everyone cam hear. The anticipation filled the air inside the gym both containing the excitement to go and to know who got the highest. There was a dead silence.

The speaker began speaking, "This person got a perfect score in the exam." a lot of people were shocked by this.No one really got a perfect score since twenty years ago.

"Following her parents legacy, Soleil Isabel Manuel!" a lot of people were shocked by this, they never thought that she would be getting it. Disappointment filled Nerdy Kim. All along she had hoped it was her.

Ally cheered as her best friend went up to the stage and took a picture and went down.

"I never thought you were that smart." Ally unbelievably said to Soleil

She just smiled at her and acted like nothing happened. She didn't want this to happen because she's pretty sure she will be the talk of the town tomorrow and the headline's will be about her.

A lot of people went to them and congratulated Soleil. She hated this attention. She asked Ally if she wanted to hang out immediately and she agreed.

Before Ally and Soleil was leaving the gym, Ezekiel's gang went up to them.

"Hey Ally! Hi Soleil!" Rain, Heath and John said in union.

"Hi." they plainly answered.

Heath went up and said, "Wow, Soleil. Never knew you were that smart."

Soleil just smiled at him which made Heath's heart skipped. Ezekiel wanted attention too.

"We have a new nerd. Yo! Wanna have my number? I don't usually do this but you'd be one hell of a lucky girl to have my number." Ezekiel said. When he had said this, his gang new he was seeking for attention and this statement made Ally question what was wrong with her twin.

"How arrogant of you, let's go Ally I don't want to be wasting my time listening to a person that has a narcissist and conceited personality." She went ahead and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This wasn't the first time that he has been dodged. His gang burst up laughing, John was even rolling in the floor. Ezekiel punched them.

Before Ally walked away, she couldn't help but said sarcastically ,

"Nice try."

Soleil Manuel as Kathryn Bernardo
Ezekiel Ford as Daniel Padilla
Allison Ford as Sofia Andres
John Grey as Diego Loyzaga
Heath Green as Pat Sugui
Rain Drone as Dominic Roque

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