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What a wonderful day! I didn't know how much time I've spent packing and deciding what to bring. We're going to have a camp in a campsite and near the beach! Ofcourse, I brought around three pieces of bikini, just in case. I looked at myself in the mirror, this look should do right? I asked myself.

I'm wearing a black cropped top with a matching black shorts and a red checkered polo sleeves. Then I wanted to wear boots but then I remembered that this is a camp so I just wore normal rubber shoes. As I went down, my mom and dad were acting like I'll never return since they were acting crazy!

Finally, I finished my breakfast and my love just arrived right on time.

As I was walking towards him, he immediately got off the car. Damn, why do I feel so blessed? Everything happened as if it was in slow motion, the way how the sunlight blended with his skin tone, his black hair being perfect and he looks so damn hot in his sando and shorts. He looks so simple yet hot. I didn't know how long I stared at him.

"Done checking me out baby?" He asked to me

That question made me came back to my senses. Ugh Soleil, you're being obvious! "Who says I'm checking you out?" I asked him

"Your eyes says it all and you were like frozen for who knows how long. Well if that isn't checking out for you well you know yourself." He said playfully, he really is paying back all the teases that I have done yesterday.

I was about to answer him when my mom and dad went out. Ugh, please, no more drama.

"Take care of her Ez." My mom said to him with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, stop being so dramatic. It's only a three days camp." I reminded her

"Just let her be, honey. Just enjoy okay?" My father told me and then he turned to Ezekiel, "remember what we were talking about, keep your word."

"Yes sir." And then with that, Ezekiel grabbed my bags and placed it in the truck. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me and I waved goodbye at them.

We were now on the road, who thought that being with Ezekiel on a roadtrip was going to be fun.

"Eze, can you sing for me?"  I asked him while we stopped singing.

He looked at me. He should be looking at the road! "Why, baby?" He asked me

"You sing for everyone yet you never sang to me." I said to him. It's true though, I never heard him sing.

"Aw, are you jealous baby?" He asked me playfully

Me? Jealous?! "No!" I said defensively, "I just wanted to hear if you really sound that way or maybe it was just the power of auto tune." I told him

He looked at me like he was in shock, "Ouch baby, that hurts." He laughed

"Well? Are you singing?" I asked him

He made his eyes small and then looked at me, "not now." He said and paid back his attention to the road.

After a two hours drive, we finally arrived. I've seen some of my friends now and also Ezekiel's friends. The teacher asked us to huddle as a big group.

"Now class, welcome to the first camping!" The teacher said happily and then the students gave a loud sound.

"Here are the maps and just to let you know I've paired each one of you in a tent already." She said

"Miss, is it the same gender in one tent?" A student asked from behind

"Well, others are not. I expect you to behave and don't do any foolishness inside the tent." The teacher informed. He then started calling out our names.

"Ezekiel and John, you are in one tent." Ezekiel was at my side holding my waste as if he will never let me go, he then let go of one of his hand and gave a high five to John.

"This would be fun, bro!" John said with a wink.

"Behave." I reminded him, they might so some foolishness!

"Yes, baby." He whisphered to my ears.

"Soleil and Rain, you are in one tent." The teacher said. Wait, me and Rain?! I'm paired with a boy?!

I looked at Rain while looking at all of his friends, smiling with victory.

"Shit. This will not be fucking happening." I heard Ezekiel said.

I looked at him and he even held my waist tightly. After the assignments of tents, we went to the location of the tents. I was looking for Ezekiel since he was out of sight after the assignments of tent partners.

I looked for him everywhere and I saw him talking to the teacher.

"I'm sorry Ezekiel but Soleil can't be paired with you. It's all settled." I heard the teacher say

"Can't you change it?!" He said in an annoyed tone, "Soleil can't be with Rain." He said again

"I'm sorry but it's final." The teacher said

Ezekiel was left by the teacher and massaging his temples. I went to him and hugged him from behind.

"It's okay, Ez." I told him

He looked at me, I could see anger in his eyes. "It's not fucking okay, baby." He said to me

"Rain's okay, he's your friend." I told him

"Yeah, he's my friend that's why I know him and I don't trust him." He told me

I just helped him calm down and we went to where we were setting up the tents.

Rain looked at me and waved his hands. I was about to go to him to help him but Ezekiel's grip on my waist was too strong.

I gave him a 'what-are-you-doing-look' and then he removed his hands on my waist.

"Hey partner!" Rain said lively

"Hey." I said back to him.

The thing is that, Rain and I are also close. Ezekiel just doesn't know that and if he knew, he surely would flip out.

He went to Ezekiel and asked him to hand over my bags to him since he will place it inside our tent. Ezekiel didn't gave the bags and instead he went inside our tent.

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