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I left after I heard him answer. I couldn't even understand myself why I stopped for a moment as he answered. As I said, I don't care about him. 

As I entered the ballroom, all stares were at me. Who wouldn't be staring at me? I'm the former presidential daughter that vanished in thin air without any explanations or warnings. I heard a lot of rumours circulating about me when I went to France. 

I just shrugged it off and walked towards a familiar person. "Hi Dr. Ally!" I said. 

She turned towards around and saw me. Her eyes were so shocked to see me finally after ten years. "Oh my god! Girl! You are on fire tonight!" She said cheerfully. She hugged me so tight to the point that I couldn't even breathe!

"I missed you so much." She said. "Me too." I replied

We caught up on the things that we have missed out on each other.  I couldn't help myself but to be proud of her. She achieved so many things on her own without the help of her influential parents. This made me admire her more.

"So, how's you and Edward?" I asked her. 

"We're still going strong. Despite the fact that we rarely see each other because of my busy work life, he never fails to surprise me." She said. Her face looks so happy and contented. I wish I felt like that. 

"I'm really happy for you, Ally." I told her with sincerity. 

I had to leave Ally as I needed to talk to the other investors and stockholders of the hospital. Everything went fine, they all asked me how I've been keeping up all of these years. Until now, they are still curious why I left. I never really told anyone except Ally and of course Rain. 

Speaking of Rain, I saw him flirting with the other girls here in the gala! That guy never changed. When he saw me looking at him, he waved at me and smiled while walking towards my direction. 

"Ma cherie!" He greeted me while placing a kiss on my hand. He brought me towards the dance floor and the both of us danced.

"Still flirting, huh? Why don't you find a partner, Rain?" It is true. We're already old and he is still one of the hottest bachelor here in the Philippines next to you know who. 

He looked at me and said, "You know that I'm still waiting for you." I don't know whether he meant that or not. I never really asked him because I don't see him that way. 

"Rain.. You-", I was about to reply when he cut me off his sentence. "Don't say anything please, let's just enjoy this moment." 

Any girl would be lucky to have this guy. After that incident ten years ago, he became one of the persons whom I truly treasure. He was there the moment I found out. He was the one who helped me get out of Malaya University that day. Even when I studied in France, he always visits me once a year for about a week. If I didn't see him as a best friend, I would totally want to be with him. 

We continued to dance. I placed my head against his broad shoulders. "You know what I feel about you Soleil." He said seriously. I tried to remove my head from that position but, "Just stay like that."  So I didn't bother to change the position I was in. 

When the song has finished he let go of me but before letting me go, he said one final thing that has made me feel guilty? or maybe dumb founded? I don't really know. "Try giving me a chance, Soleil. I can love you better than he did." 

I stood still in the dance floor not knowing what to do. I went over to the bar area and asked the bartender to give me a tequila. That shot of tequila made me feel better. 

Before the night ends, my father gave a speech. He thanked everyone for being here tonight and for always supporting him.  I was really proud of him. Building a hospital that benefits the poor. This was one of his life long bucket list and now, it finally came true. I'm privileged to be the director of this hospital which by the way is going to be open three days from now. 

..."And to my daughter Soleil, thank you for accepting to be the director of the Manourd Hospital. Welcome back my daughter." Every one looked at me as he said these words. I looked at my father and mouthed him, "You're welcome daddy." While sending him a flying kiss. 

Why was it Manourd Hospital? I never heard the name until now. He never told me the official name until his announcement today. 

I texted Ally and asked what's behind the name of the hospital. It sounds so strange. 

From: Ally

Babes honestly, why are you so behind? It's the combination of our surnames. Manuel and Ford.
Our father's basically own the hospital.

Wait what? I was never informed about this! That means I have more connection to him now than before. How unfortunate. I need to loosen up!

I ordered another shot of tequila. Tequila is supposed to send you warmth within your body right? Yet, why do I have cold chills going down through my body? 

"So you're back, huh?" This is why I felt cold. His voice changed. It became more deeper and manly. I turned around and I can see him standing so close to me. 

Why is he standing near me? We're not close. 

"Yeah."  I answered him briefly.

He looked at me again from head to toe. It felt as if he was scanning me. Boy, this is what you fucking wasted. Regretting? I couldn't care less.

He took a step closer and whispered in my ear...

"Welcome back baby." 

then walked away. 

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