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After that talk that we had, I can definitely say that the tension between us reduced greatly. Before, we rarely greet each other on the corridors of this hospital but now, every time we see each other, we either just say 'hey' casually or give a smile. 

Rain has been coming to the hospital lately to visit me. He just randomly brings me gifts or food during the day. 

"You're here again!" I exclaimed. I went over and gave him a hug. I swear to god, he is one of the sweetest person that's walking here on earth. 

He placed his hands around my shoulders, "I told you, you'll be seeing me a lot more often." He reminded me. 

It's just another normal day. Aside from wanting my company, he wants to eat with me too. So here we are, eating the food that he brought. He bought Chowking! Oh my god, I haven't had this in ages. 

"Chaofan!" I shrieked with happiness. This guy just gets me. 

He smiled and pinched my cheeks, "Of course! I know what you want Ma Cherie." He said cockily, "In fact, I think I know you better than you know yourself." 

I gave him a deadly stare. I do agree with him though, he really knows me well. He knows what I'm feeling despite hiding it. I'm grateful for him. 

He stared at me as I eat, "I really enjoy watching you eat. I'm going to make sure that you're going to eat more. I don't want you getting sick." He said. I know that he worries for me lately. He knew that I've been skipping meals due to my hectic schedule and he's right. I should never skip meals. 

There was a knock on my door. When the door opened, I saw Ezekiel holding a bag. I didn't know what was inside of it.

"Sol, I have---" He stopped talking as he saw me and Rain eating together. He stared at me coldly and giving Rain some deadly glares. 

"Hey bro, I bought Soleil food. She's not been eating lately so I-.." He was unable to continue what he was saying as Ezekiel interrupted him.

"I have eyes. I'm not blind." He said harshly to Rain and just left the room. 

Well that was really awkward. We continued eating and as soon as my break was over, I walked Rain out of my office to bid him goodbye. He gave me a kiss in the cheek before he left. At this point I was used to him kissing my cheeks. It was not anything new. 

I went back inside to my office and did some few paper work. I then checked up on some patients. 

The day was almost over and I was preparing my stuff to go home. When I was about to head out, Ezekiel entered my room swiftly. 

I stared at him giving him a confused looked. "There's a thing called knocking, hello?" I told him. 

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