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Through out the whole week, a lot of events happened. During the first official day of the hospital, there were already a lot of patients being admitted and also transferred. 

I think I have under estimated the job as the director of the hospital. It's so tiring! Not only do I have to make sure that the hospital will function smoothly but I also have to operate. I asked for this. Daddy actually never wanted me to continue to operate on patients but I feel like my purpose of being a surgeon would be lost. 

So here I am, stuck in a meeting with the man himself. I actually wondered why his office was right in front of mine, so I asked Ally about it. She told me that it was actually their father's decision to let him have an office in the hospital. His father has not officially declared that he is the official CEO yet of the Ford Empire not until he can prove to his dad that he can multi-task of learning to be the CEO and being the legal representative of the hospital. 

He doesn't say much during meetings. 

Finally, it's now over. It's also my day-off tomorrow after working for a week straight. I need to catch up on sleep. Before heading back to my office, I visited some departments and see how they were doing. 

"Good morning Dr. Manuel", people greeted me as I passed by. I returned them with a smile and let them continue doing their jobs. 

"Hello, Dr. Ford. You seem wrecked!" I went over to Ally's office and I just saw files of her patients on her desk. She looked like she was a walking zombie! Well look who's talking, I look like a wreck myself.

She glanced at me, "Best friend, I didn't know being a head surgeon of my department can be this stressful!" She complained. 

"When are you off?" I asked her. She looked at her scheduled and said, "I'm off two days from now." What a bummer! Our schedules don't even match. I bid her goodbye to let her continue with what she was doing. I didn't want to disturb her. 

I know I was being dramatic about the fact that Ezekiel's office was adjacent to mine, however it didn't bother me that much as he is never there. He's either having some legal whatever things or he is busy running his company. 

I quickly grabbed my bag and placed my white coat on the hanger on my little closet here in my office. The moment I went out, Ezekiel also went out of his office. What a coincidence! 

The both of us walked over towards the elevator. It was awkward. There was just silence in the air. It got more tense when a lot of people got into the elevator which forced us to be squished together. I tried moving but it was not effective. 

We were so close to the point that I could feel his warm breath against my ear. I tried to remain calm as possible. Why does our office have to be in the top floor! More people went inside the elevator which squished us more. Now it was more awkward. My butt was directly in front of his penis. 

"Four more floors Soleil. Four more floors", I told myself. 

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