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Last night was a weird night. Eze never even messaged me. He used to message me every single time he arrives at his home.

Anyway, forget about last night, what's important is today.

Today would be such an important day! Any guesses? I actually have been contemplating last night that it's been so long since Eze courted me. I mean it's not been long like really long but then my grandma once told me that every guy in courtship would never show their bad personality traits since they are trying to win a girl. She also told me that courtship shouldn't be long. Also, I don't want to make him wait for too long. Why should I? When I know for definite that I do love him.

On my way to the university, i can't help it but feel nervous. I mean he wouldn't expect that today would be the day that he can call me his official girlfriend.

As I arrived, I immediately walked towards where my locker is. As I was walking, I was also glancing towards my surrounding in case he is just anywhere but there was no sight of him aswell. When I was in the locker area, he would usually be there standing against the lockers and greeting me with his beautiful smile, the smile that made me fall for him. He wasn't there, there was a feeling of disappointment inside me, he wasn't in the places where I would usually see him.

I couldn't help but to grab my phone which was in my pocket and to my dissapointment again, there was no message or no even a call from him. This doesn't usually happen. I was contemplating whether I should text him or not, I didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend well I'm not his girlfriend yet so I don't have the right to be clingy, I guess.

Defeated by what my heart told me, I texted him. Asking where he was with a word i don't usually say, « I miss you » .

I walked towards where my class is. As I opened the door, everyone's gaze was at me? I couldn't help but wonder, is there something wrong with my face? Is there a dirt or are my clothes messed up? I don't usually get this much attention as I guess they've gotten used to the fact that the president's daughter attends this school.

It feels like as if something bad has really happened. The silence in the air was deafening. It was a room full of owl, gawking at me as if I'm a prey. The tension in the atmosphere was so intense that no one could even start to make a noise. The way they look at me is what worries me the most. They look as if they pity me. I couldn't understand what was happening. Maybe this is all in my head? Or I'm just over thinking.

As I sat in my usual spot. All of them turned their eyes away from me and like robots, they hung their head down and looked back at their phones.

Allison as well is nowhere to be found. Seriously, what's up with the ford twins? Ignoring me and all? I just couldn't understand it. Did I do something horrible? I don't know.

As class started, I couldn't even have the focus to concentrate on what the professor was talking. I stopped minding the tension that I was feeling and just listened to the discussion. The class felt as if it lasted just a second and here I am, walking towards the cafeteria.

I sat in my usual spot, still there is no sign of Eze. I saw his usual group of friends but they just ignored me for no reason at all. Everyone except Rain.

Rain walked forwards to my direction. He sat down beside me.

« Soleil, are you okay? No one's really talking to you since they are afraid they would hurt you. » he said.

I looked at him confusingly? Hurt me? Asking if I was okay? What the hell is actually going on? « What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be okay? »

He looked at me amusingly, « You're okay after thay video? Damn! Are you that much of a martyr? I never accounted you for being a martyr Soleil! » his voice was beginning to raise.

What video? Me? A martyr? « What are you on about Rain? What video? I'm so confused! » I said

« Shit, you haven't seen it yet? » he asked me

« Seen what? » I asked confusingly

« It's been popular and trending in the school website. See for yourself. » he said.

I grabbed my phone and went to the school website. The first thing I've seen is « How could he do this? » some even said, « She kinda deserves it for acting like his girlfriend. » Jeez, people are so dramatic. What are they angered about?

Then there I saw it. The video. The video that made me numb. It felt like as if the world was coming slowly towards me. The colour turning to black and white. People's voice chattering became a buzzing sound as if they were bees. Unconsciously, tears were slowly falling from my eyes down to my cheeks. I looked at Rain, with such pain in my eyes. He looked at me as if I was broken. Which I was.

He hugged me. The moment he did, all I can do was burst into tears. Letting all my emotions all out. How could he do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? Is this the payment I get for falling inlove?

This day was meant to be a special day for us. It was meant to surprise him but life is full of surprises. Instead, I was the one who got surprised and the plan I had of saying yes to him was gone.

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