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I didn't know how long I was staring at the ceiling blankly not before I heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to get up yet but I didn't have any choice but to answer it. As I opened the door, I saw my daddy at my door.

"Hi Daddy! what brings you here?" I asked him.

"I just missed my princess." My daddy said while giving me a tight hug

"I missed you too." I murmured

He let go of me and sat on my bed. He gave me a sign to sit beside him and so I did.

"Your friend called me. He's been very persistent about you." He told me seriously

It made me frown. What friend? "Who?" I asked him

"Ezekiel Ford." He said to me

But how did he have contact with my dad? It's really hard to connect the president well except if you know their personal number.

"What did he told you?" I asked him

"Ahh, he told me to let you go to the camp that is happening next week." He told me

My heart went fast. I didn't want to expect that he'd allow me since he really cares about my safety and being in the camp would make that less.

"Ah, you don't have to tell me dad. I already know the answer." I sad to him hiding the dismay of my voice.

"Well you see Soleil, I care about your safety." He said as I look down

"I know." I told him

"But then he told me some things that are pretty convincing so I'm telling you that you can go in the camp but your bodyguards will be surrounding the place." He said to me

Oh my god! What did Ezekiel did to my father? Why did he allow me all of a sudden. I didn't know what to act or what to say. I was caught in the middle of the action.

"Aren't you going to give daddy a hug?" he asked me. I didn't even thought twice and hugged him tightly.

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou daddy! you're the best!" I told him

"I want to meet him first before you go to the camp." My daddy told me

"Sure! when?" I asked him

"Tomorrow." he said and left my room. Oh I can't wait to tell Ezekiel tomorrow!


I didn't know what time I slept last night but I can tell that I'm late for school since the sun's shine is really high now. I went to my shower room and did my morning routine before going to school.

As I went down, I saw my mom preparing the table. "Good morning baby." My mom said while giving me a hug

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore." I told her

She pinched me and said, "Yes you are! Now you better hurry up or else you'll be late for school."

When I finished my breakfast, I immediately went to school. As usual, there were flowers all over my parking space. Sometimes it is a nuisance really since i need to move them all out of my way.

My group of friends greeted me as I went into the hall and some of my batchmates took pictures of me. Seriously when will they ever stop? I'm just a normal student just like them.

The class was so boring, I didn't even know if the teacher noticed that I slept during her class. I wonder where Soleil is. I never heard a word from her since yesterday. Maybe I made her super confused about the thing I said to her? Was it too soon? Should I not have said that? Am I going to regret this?

I was in the middle of my thoughts when Rain kept on tapping my shoulder. I looked at him annoyingly.

"What?" I asked him irritatedly

"Look at the door." He said and I did.

There I saw Soleil walking in looking gorgeous as ever. Did she even know that she's a goddess given to all of us here. When our eyes met she waved her hand at me. She looks so happy which is so fucking adorable. Little by little she's making me obsessed over her. I can still remember before, I was so confused of what I felt but it all sums up to one single word. It is love. And thr girl that I fell with is walking towards me happily.

"Ezekiel!" She squealed while giving me a tight hug. Baby, you're making me invest a lot of feelings for you.

How I'd wish you could hear me.

"Yes baby?" I asked her

"Thankyou so much! you're the best." she told me

"Of course i'm the best." I said kiddingly

She laughed and slapped my arm playfully, "Thankyou for convincing daddy. How did you do it?" She asked me

Ah, I see. Her dad has approved of the camp. All of you didn't even know how hard it was to ask for that fucking permission. I had to do all of the things he had asked me to do and one of those is to avoid Soleil for a certain amount of days. It was so fucking hard of not seeing her. Four fucking days were horrible. Seeing her makes my day complete and not seeing her is dragging me towards hell slowly.

"Through my charms baby." I whisphered to her ear which gave her shivers.

"Ew! you guys! stop flirting in front of us." Rain said

"We get it! The both of you have a lovelife." Ally said

"Stop making us feel sooo alooonee." Rain said

She looked at them as if she was killing them through looks. "Can you please shush?" she asked so gently

"Now, later you need to get dressed." She told me

What get dressed? Everyone in the table was looking at her confusingly.

"Baby, what do you mean?" I asked her

"My daddy wants to have dinner with you together with my mommy and I." She said

What the fuck? I'm meeting her parents! I felt my hands went wet. I don't know what to feel.

"Ooh, meeting the parents already? Good job brother." Ally teasingly said to me. I gave her the death glare.

"Wh-where and when?" Shit why was I stuettering?

"No need to be afraid Ez, seven pm. At our house." she said and continued eating

This is the very first time that I have been sweating just because I'm going to dinner with the family of the girl I love. God bless my soul.

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