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It's been days since that happened. It's also been days since I last saw him. I didn't know where he was or what has he been up to. I don't know if he regrets the fact that he has kissed me. Didn't he liked it? or was it too soon? I don't know why I've been stressing over this.

"Class, by the way, we will have a camping that will happen a week from now so go ahead and tell your parents in advance." the teacher said before leaving us.

I can hear all of the buzzing sound in the air, their excitements of the upcoming camp. I don't even know if I could go there since, my father cares about my safety a lot. I felt a tap on my shoulder and Ally was grinning like crazy.

"Please tell me you can go to that camp? It would be fun!" Ally said to me

"Ally I really don't know because you know how my daddy is so paranoid about my safety." I told her

She just shrugged. She stood up and was about to walk away when I can't stop my mouth from asking her this questions that has been bugging me for 4 days.

"Ally, where's Ezekiel?" I asked curiously

She smiled teasingly to me, "Ah, Ezekiel? He has been working on his new movie and they are still finding him a girl for a new loveteam." She said

Loveteam? "Why? What's wrong with only him? He doesn't need a loveteam!" I said in disbelief

"Well that showbiz, my friend." She said

How could he agree to have an onscreen partner when he kissed me! I can't even imagine him being sweet on a girl and kissing her as a part of the show and promoting it!

"Where is he Ally?" I asked curiously

"Ah, in his shooting location. I'm heading towards him. Wanna come along?" she asked

I didn't even think twice and went with her. I don't even care that my bodyguards are tagging along.

We arrived on the set. It was all romantic-ish and I guess they were startled to see the presidential daughter going in a location when she doesn't have a single business involved.

They were about to ask me why I was here but I just shrugged them off and headed where I wanted to be.

I saw his tent and immediately went inside. I saw him. He saw me. I guess he was caught by surprise and asked his hairstylist to leave us alone.

"Hi baby, what brings you here?" he asked me curiously

Seriously?! Is that all he can say to me?

"You asshole, how could you kiss me four days ago and now I'm hearing things that you are having a loveteam?" I asked him in disbelief

"Baby, what are you talking about?" he asked me

"You didn't even told me that you were going to have a loveteam!" I told him while I was standing infront of him while my arms were crossed around my chest.

He stood up and made me sit on his lap. "Baby, I'm not having an onscreen partner." He told me

"But that's the thing that Ally said!"'I told him

He laughed at me. "Seriously baby, you look hot when you're mad." he said to me

Why!? That Ally, she lied to me and now I look like I'm crazy. Ugh!

"Then why didn't you even bothered to contact me or asked me on how I was doinh for these past few days?" I asked him

"I've been having a tight schedule this week and I'm having a concert next month. I'm sorry." he told me

"It's okay. I don't have any right anyway." I told him

It's true, I didn't have any rights to be mad at him because firstly, he is not mine. 

"I better go now." I told him and made my way out of his tent.

But before I could leave, he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. I could hear him breathing heavily and I'm pretty sure he can also hear mine.

"Baby, you have every right. I don't care what we are now but I want you to know that you have every right." With that he kissed my forehead and left me in there, stunned.

My heart was beating rapidly as if I did an exercise. I went home afterwards. I locked up in my room and just stared blankly in my ceiling.

I couldn't help but feel all the things that I shouldn't feel for him. I searched it up on the internet to see what I feel for him. It then all summarises to one word. "Love"

Yet, I feel like it's too early to tell that I love him. Since I've only met him for 6 months. Could this be love? or am I just infatuated?

This is confusing the hell out of me!

I will update another one later or tomorrow since I haven't updated a chapter for a week🙈✌🏼

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