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The Date


I seriously don't know why I agreed to go on a double date with Ally. Well atleast I will be meeting someone new right? I'm really having a hard time here in my closet. I don't know what to wear! She said that I should wear semi formal clothes. So I had no choice but to wear a cute sweater top and a skirt witch matching boots. I placed my hair up in a bun and I kinda placed a little of makeup. When I'm done, I looked at the time. I almost fell when I saw the time! It's ten minutes till we will be late. It's a good thing that my sprained leg had healed already or I will be going with a wheelchair today.

My bodyguards led me to the front yard where I saw Ally waiting there, impatiently. I'm dead am I?

Out of a glimpse, she saw me and I thought I was being chased by an angry baboon.

"What the hell took you so long?" She asked me in annoyance

"Sorry." I told her and hugged her. Well, she can't resist me anyway.

I heard her let out a deep sigh. "It's okay." She broke away from our hug and looked at me from head to toe. "You look pretty babe!" She said to me

"Thankyou. Well I can see that you really are prepared for this." I said which made her blush. Ah, she did made herself extremely beautiful just because she's going out with her long time crush.

I asked the bodyguards to take a photo of us, an ootn one.

I then posted it in my Instagram and she also did the same. We look hella cute.

"Shoot! We need to go! We're late!" She exclaimed and panic. I immediately went to the front seat and we made our way to the mall.

//Third Person's POV\\

Ezekiel was sitting down lazily on his couch, he has no appointment today so he invited his gang over. They were using his house to practice for the songs that they will play during the foundation day of their school in which he will be the lead singer.

There was a big fuss over the gang while they were setting up the instruments in his music room.

"What's with all the noise?" He lazily asked while he was slowly making his way towards them

"Damn bro, Soleil is pretty as fuck!" Rain told him. He didn't answer since he always knew that from the start.

"I would go through hell just to make her mine." Heath said

This caught his attention. "Why the hell did you say that?" He didn't know why he got angry easily

"Look at that picture, any guy would want to have her." Rain said while handling him the phone.

There he saw Soleil and Ally's photo in Instagram. 'Why is she wearing so short and fitted clothes!?' He asked himself and got annoyed. He don't know why he was feeling this way. He doesn't know why he is so protective over Soleil when he knows their not in a special relationship.

He almost thre the phone if Rain hadn't squeeled 'Don't throw my phone dude! What the hell is wrong with you.'

He should have said that it wasn't fine with it yesterday. Soleil is the only woman that made him dress up on his free day and act like a stalker. He decided to follow them.

Soleil was currently being dragged by Ally towards their meeting place and heavens, she saw why Edward was always being compared to Ezekiel. 'Why the fuck is he so handsome?' She asked herself.

When they reached them, Edward immediately introduced himself to Ally and Soleil.

"You didn't need to do that, we know you." Ally said which annoyed Soleil since it was too obvious that she was so ready for this date. Soleil just smiled apologetically to Edward. The two went on ahead leaving Edward and Soleil behind.

It was awkward at first but then Edward said something that broke the ice and Soleil couldn't even believe it.

"Really?" She asked him in disbelief

"Just don't tell anyone, it would be a secret." Edward told her which she swore that she won't ever tell anyone.

Since the two mysteriously disappered, Edward and Soleil just went to a restaurant that Edward wanted Soleil to try. They went to Viencezo's restaurant, where they sat beside the transparent walls, just in case they would spot the missing Ally and Pat.

Unknowingly, Ezekiel was watching them from afar. Well he wasn't too far but it was enough for him to see the both of them. He really looked like a creepy stalker which felt weird. When he saw Soleil and Edward went inside the restaurant, he decided to go and follow them. The waitress almost shrieked when she saw him there but he immediately asked the waitress to be quiet and promised her that she would have a photo or video greeting with him. Luckily, the waitress was a die hard fan of him and agreed. He sat at the opposite side. How he would love to hear their conversations but the tables beside them were already occupied.

He watch them intently while the food was being served to him.

Soleil was happily eating, Edward's choice of food. All she knew that this was the restaurant's most delicious dish and she can't help but agree that it surely is. Out of a sudden, Edward grabbed a tissue and wiped the cream that was in the corner of her mouth. She laughed when he said something about him loving her childish ways. She then explained that she's childish since birth.

Ezekiel upon watching this was angered. 'How dare he touch her lips.' He doesn't know why he was acting this way but his hands were curled up to a ball of fist. He was hurt about the fact that Edward made her smile and laugh like that. 'Only I have the right to do that.' He protested in his mind.

Minutes had passed and the two went out of the restaurant with Ezekiel tailing them from behind. Soleil then saw Ally who was redder than a tomato. All of then decided to call it a day and out of surprise before leaving, Edward gave Soleil a quick kiss in her cheeks. Now, Ezekiel was furious as if he was Hades (god of the underworld) and throw Edward in there. Ally went on ahead to get her car leaving Soleil behind to wait.

Ezekiel was quick as a flash on holding Soleil when she fainted. He panicked and went to his car driving towards his condominium. The only thing that is repeating in his head was, 'I'll kill you Edward Stark, if something wrong happens to my girl.'

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