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"Why did you come back?" I asked her while looking in the eyes.

"I told you I'll be back for you my love." She replied.

"But why now when I'm finally living the life that I wanted it to be? When I found Soleil?" I asked her.

She smiled at me, "I keep my promises my love. But if you love her, you don't need to love me back."

I stared at her, right before my eyes, is the girl that I loved deeply and the one who ruined me.

She came forward to me and hugged me. Oh, how I missed this, i missed everything about her. Her scent and her voice. She was my first in everything. My first love, my first girlfriend and the first one who took my purity. It was all her.

"Do you still love me?" She asked me not breaking our eye contact.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"Do you love Soleil?" She asked me sadly.

I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I love Soleil."

The next thing I knew was she pulled me in for a deep kiss. What is she trying to do? Is she trying to prove something? I couldn't help but respond. I missed her so bad. I haven't seen her for 2 years. I missed Ellie this bad.

She broke our kiss and smiled at me, "I don't think you love her that much my love. If you do, you wouldn't have kissed me back." She said sweetly into my ears.

Maybe, maybe I still do love her. Maybe the feelings that I had for her are still here.

She held my hand and said, "Break it up with her love, I'm back now."

I looked at her in disbelief, "I promised not to hurt her Ellie, I love her."

Ellie looked at me and said, "I'm here now. She was just a pastime to keep youself busy. So break it up with her already."

"I'm sorry, I cannot do that." I said to her and left. The thought of hurting Soleil, hurts me. I love her.

I went to my car and went to their house. The guards had let me in and I was greeted by their maid in the receiving area.

"Where is Soleil?" I asked them

"Oh, she's in her room all day. Her parents are away for a month." They replied

I immediately went up towards her room. I knocked the room gently.

"Come in." She said

I opened the door, revealing my baby, in white spaghetti straps and very short shorts. Ugh, what a tease.

"Eze!" She said and went to me.

"Sorry for being not myself today." I said to her.

She gestured for me to sit down. And I told her to sit on my lap. "Want to talk about it?" She asked me.

"No, not today. I just missed you badly." I said while hugging her from behind.

"Eze, do you know that new girl who went to our school?" She asked me.

"Hmm." I couldn't concentrate from what she was saying as all that enters my head is her lovely smell. She smells better than Ellie. She's a lot more gorgeous than Ellie. I would never trade Soleil for Ellie.

"Eze, answer me baby." She told me.

Did she just called me baby? What is she trying to say to me? Is she ready to be my girl?

"What did you just called me Soleil?" I asked her.

"Hmm, I cannot remember." She teased.

I started to tickle her and she escaped from my arms and went near the head board of her bed. I crawled up going to her.

"Come on say it again, please." I said eagerly.

"Baby." She said in the sweetest tone I can ever imagine.

"So, are you saying we're officially together?" I asked her

"Hmmm, if you'll kiss me then yes." She said.

Without a doubt, I grabbed her and kissed her. I love the way when her lips crashes into mine. Her strawberry flavoured lips that I can devour until my last breath.

"I love you." I told her

She looked at me and smiled, "I love you too." She replied.

I can't remember when was the last time that I was this happy.

"I cannot believe you're mine." I told her as she rested her head against me chest. Her hands around mine.

She lifted her head up and looked at me, "Why are you being so corny, baby?" She said

"I never dreamed of having you in my life. I thought it was impossible." I said

"It's possible baby, look at us now. Whatever you are going through right now, I will always be here to listen. So don't be afraid to speak up to me. I'll always understand." She told me

I love Soleil but why do I feel like I'm betraying her. Earlier, I was talking to my first love and we kissed and now I'm official with the girl I love.

Should I tell her the truth about Ellie? But I'm afraid that this would ruin us and she'd regret saying yes to me.

For the time being, I will just be quiet about this and enjoy being with Soleil.

To my surprise she slept against my chest peacefully. "I will fight for you. Please just trust me." I whispered silently.

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