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It's amazing how someone texts you with a nice morning text before you wake up and sends you some cheesy ass text before you sleep. Is this the feeling of having someone in your life?

Ezekiel and I's relationship is still the talk in the town. Fans can't get over on how I said yes to his courtship.

"Miss Soleil, Sir Ezekiel is waiting for you downstairs." The nanny told me.

I immediately grabbed all my school stuff and headed down stairs and there I saw him looking as handsome as ever.

"Morning baby." He said, I swear I'd still blush everytime he says that to me.

"Morning." I said while giving him a peck in his cheeks.

"Hmm baby, stop blushing. You need to get used to this especially when we're finally in a relationship together." He told me.

I nodded my head and he held my hand as we walked outside the house.

He opened the door for me and finally we went to school.

Before I could even get out of the car, I can hear people whispering all around. Well the concert just happened a week ago. I was expecting this to die down as i dont really know what to do with the situation.

"Baby, they keep on talking about us." I told Eze.

He looked at me in the eye and said to me, "Don't mind them, they'll get used to it."

We went to class and there I saw his twin.

"I swear to god, Soleil, if you don't stop flirting with my brother infront of me." She exclaimed

"I'm sorry Ally." I said then sat down with her and talked with her but we stopped when the professor came in.

He discussed all about anatomy, and I cannot really focus because even though Ezekiel is not beside me, he is still staring at me.

I grabbed out my phone, and texted him.

"Baby! Stop staring🖖🏼"

My phone then beeped immediately.

"Sorry baby but you're so beautiful I can't😘"

Before I was about to reply, the intercom buzzed with a new announcement.

"Can I have Ezekiel Ford in the principal room." Then it stopped.

Why do they want Eze on the Principal's room?

I can see Ezekiel, standing from his seat and as he was walking he never failed to look at me and smiled to me.

The class went on and on, it felt like we've been there for years! The class was so boring that all of us were happy when the class was finally over.

Ally grabbed me and we went towards the cafeteria. As we were walking, I kept on looking at the surroundings to find where Ezekiel is but he is not there.

Ally bought lunch for me even though she really didn't have to.

"Ally, why do you think Eze was called?" I asked her

She stopped eating and looked at me, "Love, as much as I wanted to tell you, I can't because I don't even know where he is." She said

Everyone's chatter died down when Ezekiel walked inside the room but there was someone behind him! He went to our direction and sat in the chair beside me and leaned his head on my shoulder.

I looked at the person behind him and it was a girl! Who can this girl be? Why is she with Ezekiel?

"Eze, who is she?" I asked him

He just stayed silent and didn't move. I looked at Ally and her face was horrified as if she has seen a ghost.

When I looked back, the girl went to the other direction to buy lunch, I guess.

"Ally, who was she?" I asked her curiously

She looked at me and said, "Nothing to worry about. She's an old friend of ours. Right, Eze?" She asked

Ezekiel removed his head from my shoulders and looked at me and said, "Yes baby, an old friend." He assured me

There was still something bothering me on why their reactoon was like that. There must be something behind that girl.

"If she's an old friend, can I meet her then? I'd love to hear her stories about you." I said to him.

He held my hand, "Baby, she isn't important. Don't mind her, she's just staying here in school for a month." He informed me.

If she was an old friend then something must have happened between Ally, Ezekiel and her.

I let that thought lie down for a while as I didn't want to think of it as it really bothers me a lot.

"Baby, do you want to go with me to the mall?" I asked him

"Not today, I'm exhausted for some reason." He said and he stood up, "I'll see you tomorrow, I have some things to do today."

Ezekiel has never been like this to me. He never turned down going to the mall as we usually go over to out favourite ice cream parlour.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Ally

"Maybe he's just having mood swings, you know Ezekiel is always like that." Ally said

Later on that night, he did sent me a text but it why do I feel that it's cold?


I was having a great day with my love. But why did it came up to this? Everything feels so gloomy for me. I don't understand the reason why does it have to be like this.

I'm conflicted. I was happy but when she came back I have second thoughts. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want her to be gone but I don't want her to be back.

I don't even know anymore.

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