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The Camp Part 1


I don't know what happened to me but I can't get rid of this feeling. I'm so pissed at the co-ordinators and everyone who made them partners. When I grabbed Soleil's bag ang placed it inside their tent, I couldn't help it but feel angry.

What the actual fuck? This tent is so fucking small! Don't tell me, they will be near each other when they sleep? I didn't like the idea, I can't even imagine!

I didn't know what happened to me but I re-arranged their set up. I placed Soleil's sleeping mat atleast 2 meters away from Rain. When I'm finally finished, I went out of the tent and walked over to ours.

"Dude, chill. I'm sure nothing wrong will happen." John told me

I smirked, "yeah right, when I know that Rain is head over heels for her!" I said annoyingly to him

"What are you angry about? Remember, Soleil's single and you don't own her." John reminded me

Yeah, she's single and it's all my fucking fault for being so fucking slow.

We were in the middle of arranging our things inside the tent when we are called outside to gather up.

"Beautiful Ladies and Handsome Men, gather up here!" Miss Ice said

We immediately gathered up infront of her.

"Now as you all know, this cam lasts for three days. Within that three days, there would be a lot of bonding activity between you and your pairs and also to your school mates." She informed us

I can hear a lot of people talking around and being sk excited about what is going to happen next.

"Now, my first task is, I want all of you to present something in front of the year. I would give you until sunset to do all of this. And after sunset, the presentation will begin, okay?" She said

I looked at John, "What will we do, bro?" He asked me

"Honestly, I seriously don't know what to do." I told him

"Ah bro! I have an idea!" He said cheerfully to me

"What?" I asked him

"Bro, i forgot that you are the oh-so-famous-Ezekiel-Ford. What we're going to do is that we will present a song number. Then we will dedicate the song to the persons who caught our heart!" He suggested

Hmm, not a bad idea. But then I wasn't informed that he likes someone.

"Let me ask you John, who is it you admire bro?! Why wasn't I aware of this?" I asked him

"Hehe." He laughed and I guess he was thinking twice of telling me who. "I actually, admire umm. Your sister." He told me

"What?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, who would have thought someone would admire that noisy twin of mine.

"Hehehe." He said while blushing

What the fuck?! "HAHAHAHA, Bro wtf, you're inlove!" I said teasingly

"So what?" He said dreamily

"What did my sister feed you?" I asked playfully

"Bro, I don't really know but she tripped me hard and then now, I can't get her out of my mind." He said

"I'm actuall going to puke now, when did this started?" I asked disgustingly

"Um, three years ago." He said honestly which alarmed me, three years ago and he didn't even bother to tell me? Great.

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