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Every single thing that happened last night was still vivid to me. Flashes of our session yesterday keeps appearing on my mind. I actually lost count on the number of times that we did it. I was tired. Now, all I feel is pain. 

Here I am trying to walk normally to my office. People kept staring at me for some reason. They give me a quick glance and quickly looks away. Now, I'm feeling really conscious. 

Fuck, did they knew what Ezekiel and I did last night? Were we loud? God, I hope not! It would be so embarrassing! Fucking in an office inside a hospital. I'm overthinking really bad.

Unknowingly, I've somehow arrived in front of my office. I quickly closed the door behind me. 

I got immediately occupied with my work. Patients went in and I examined them but I've notice something similar towards all of them. The moment they entered my office, their facial expressions have changed for some reason. Who knows, I might be overthinking again. I let that thought slipped past me and continued to do my job. 

Time flew quickly and it was already my lunch break. 

From: Ally

Hey bff, I'm on my way to eat lunch in your office. Just to inform you, Rain is with me. See you in a few,

I got a text from Ally saying that she'd eat lunch with me today. Oh shit! Rain is with her! I clearly remember Ezekiel telling me how he dislike Rain visiting me. I think I might have to tell him today to lessen his visits, just until Ezekiel calms down. 

Hmm, Ezekiel. Just by thinking of his name excites me. I wonder what he is up now? Should I message him? Will it sound that I'm being too clingy? I don't want him to get the impression that I'm really being attached to him just because we had sex yesterday. 

I was so pre-occupied with my thoughts about Ezekiel when I got startled immediately by a knock from my door. 

"Come in!" I said. 

Ally opened the door together with Rain. At they were smiling but as they went inside their facial expression changed! Just like my patients!

"Woah Soleil, you must have made the janitors clean your office well." She said as she placed down our food on the table. Rain immediately sat on the couch. 

Ooh, I feel bad for him. He didn't knew that Ezekiel and I did it there on the very spot he was sitting on. 

Still wondering about Ally's statement, I couldn't help but ask what she meant by it. "What do you mean?" 

"Well, it smells like bleach in here!" She exclaimed. 

I was shocked by her remarked. Of course, why wouldn't it smell like bleach? We fucked over a couple of times. I should've sprayed something to cancel out the smell!

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