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I don't know what's with me but I, Ezekiel Ford, for the first time is excited to go to school. I don't usually go to school on time because of my schedules and all but I actually cancelled my schedule today to be able to join the first class.

As I went in, I saw my group of friends. Surprise was actually written in their face.

"For the first time in forever, Ezekiel's come to class!" Rain singed in a tune from Frozen's For the First time in forever.

"You excited to see someone, Eze?" John teasingly asked Ezekiel

"Shut up!" I said while rolling my eyes at them and playfully punching them in the arm. "I wished I didn't come to this first class if all of you is just going to tease me." I added and sat down on my desk which Soleil and I are seating beside each other. A thought of this just made a smile form within my face.

Seriously, what's going on with me though? I really think I should go to the doctor for smiling for no reason at all!

The class has started and just before the teacher came, Soleil arrived sitting in a wheel chair. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. The class saw that she was on a wheel chair and started laughing. I admire her for just not minding them but I don't know why I want to smash all of their faces for laughing. Instead of reprimanding their nonsense behaviour, I went to her and carried her towards our seat. A gasped escaped from her mouth and the bodyguards were too late to react. The class let out a teasing noise which made Soleil blush. That's the second time I made her blush.

"Tsk." I heard Heath muttered this word.

I placed her carefully towards the chair and looked at her in the eyes. "This is the second time that I made you blush." I said to her which made her look away. I can't help but laugh and unknowingly words escaped from my mouth, "Damn baby, you're so cute."


Hoolllyyyy Macaroni! He called me baby. What the fuck, why is my heart beating so fast?

I think John had heard that since he went saying "*coughs* baby *coughs*"

Shit, it made my cheeks burn.

"Stop it will you? Can't you see Soleil's uncomfortable?!" Finally, Ezekiel spoke. They stopped teasing me and our class had begun.

Honestly, I was not able to listen to what the teacher was discussing, my attention was diverted to Ezekiel. I can't help but to look at him. I just realised how handsome he was and why girls are drooling over him. I wonder if she has a girlfriend, that girl must be so lucky. Having him as her happiness, protector and lover. But why does my heart hurt as I think of all of this?

I returned my attention back to the teacher. The class just flew and look what we have, it's break time and I got a free class next! I carefully went towards my wheelchair since walking is a bit painful and my bodyguards led me towards the cafeteria. To be honest I didn't like being followed by them but as what my daddy says, it is for protection.

I sat down at the far end corner table where Ally was waiting for me. She greeted me happily. This is the first time I've seen her so happy. It was like she was on Cloud nine.

"What's with that grin?" I asked her curiously

She looked at me and blinked a lot of times. Is she trying to be cute? "Guess what!?" she asked me happily

"What?" I answered plainly

"Someone asked me out!" she answered me.

"Oh my god! Who in the right mind would ask you out?" I asked her playfully. She knows that I'm kidding.

"Pat Westly." she proudly said.

Pat Westly? I never heard of him before. "Pat who?"

"Pat Westly, the best friend of Edward Stark." she explained

Ah, I know them now. Edward Stark is the number one rival of Ezekiel Ford.

"Oh then goodluck on your date then." I told her and began reading the book about anatomy.

Out of surprise, she grabbed my book from me.

"Oh, you can't tell me to enjoy since I am not doing it alone." she told me

What is she trying to say? "Huh?" I asked her confusingly

"You're having a double date with me!" she said cheerfully

What the actual fuck!? "I didn't even agree!" I told her

"You will have a date with Edward Stark and that's final?" She told me cheerfully but before I was able to reply someone joined our conversation.

Ezekiel's group sat down with us, he sat down beside me. Why are they here?

"So whose going on a date with Edward Stark?" Heath asked curiously while having a bite of his burger

"Soleil is!" Ally said proudly which all of the boys chocked as they ate.

"What?" Rain asked Ally in disbelief

"Well, Pat asked me out and he also told me that Edward had a thing for Soleil so I suggested that we should have a double date which they happily agreed." Ally told them.

Ezekiel who was sitting beside me sat uncomfortably. He looked at me sternly as if I did something terrible.

"Is that okay with you twin?" Ally asked Ezekiel

All of our eyes were on Ezekiel now. I don't know why but his answers matters to me the most. This is one crazy hell of a feeling.

He drank his coke and replied to Ally, "Why would you ask me? It's not like she's my girlfriend."

My heart hurts as if an arrow just went through it. I looked at my book and started reading again. 'I don't need to be hurt, nothing's going on between us anyway.', I reminded myself.

"If you say so." She told him and turned back her attention to me, "It's tomorrow, 6pm in the mall. We'll go together."

"Soleil, will you agree on having a double date  with Edward?" Heath asked me.

"I have no problem at all." I smiled at them as I continued reading my book but as I look at Ezekiel in the corner of my eyes, I saw him in a state of disbelief.

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