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Ribbon cutting

- Ezekiel's- 

Ten years. 

Ten years passed since she left and now she's back. 

I must admit that ten years ago, I was a total dick. I broke her heart into pieces to the point that she had to leave. I was angry at myself for kissing Ellie. I didn't know what was going through my head. I should not have kissed her. 

Things would be so different now if that didn't happened. 

However, I know it is entirely my fault but I was mad at her too for just leaving like that. She didn't even gave me a chance to explain my side. She deprived me from asking her to forgive me and to give me another shot. I was willing to beg for her forgiveness if she has not shut me out completely. 

Despite everything that happened, I still love her. I know she might not feel the same way anymore but I'm willing to try and try and regain that trust that I once shattered completely. 

Over the ten years, I knew she was still communicating with my sister, Ally. At the beginning, she was pretty pissed at me too for hurting Soleil like that. I deserved it. However, it annoys me to my bones upon learning that Rain visits Soleil in France for a week every year. It drove me mad thinking what they must have done together. I felt jealous how he can be with her and I can't. 

I do not just love Soleil but I am entirely and truly obsessed with her. Her laugh, her smile, her personality, her kisses and her hugs are like a drug to me. Yet, I lost that drug which is why I am almost insane. 

I tried to forget her by dating a lot of girls. That's why I'm also known for being a playboy. I wanted to prove to my family that I can be happy without her. That I can live without her. Yet I can't. My mind only thinks about her. No women can fill in the void that she left in my heart and no one can ever replace the love that I have for her. 

"Ezekiel, do you know that Soleil's father is opening up a new hospital?" My father asked me during dinner. 

"Yes, I've heard of it." I told him. I knew that he was building a hospital and he is looking for stockholders for the hospital. I even heard that he is planning to recruit my sister, Ally, as one of the head surgeon in his hospital. 

"Well, I'm planning to buy half of the stocks which makes our company one of the founders." He informed me. This was probably his last move before he retires from his position and make me the CEO of his company. 

"That's good. Whatever you want." I replied

"You do know that she's coming back right? To be the director of the hospital?" He asked me. 

Yes, I knew she was going to be the director of the hospital. I overheard their conversation with Ally. After ten years she would be back. 

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