Chapter 22

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Dinah's POV

"I hate you." Normani huffs as we walk from her job.

"Hmm, not the words I would expect for a person that just did all this for you." I chuckle opening the car door for her.

I walk around to the drivers side and get in.

"I can't be mad at you for even one day before you go and do some shit like this." She gestures her hands towards her job building.

"But babe on a really serious note...I'm really sorry. It was such a big deal for you and I just wasn't smart enough to see that." I explain.

She looks at me with adoring eyes and leans in to give me a quick kiss.

"I forgive you baby." She says before leaning in again. "Of course you do." I smile.

"Are we going home? I'm tired." She whines as I crank up the car.

"Nope...we're going to the basketball court. "I say.

"Ugghh whhhyyy?" She asks throwing her head back.

"Because the guys wanted me to come play with them." I say.

"How about I drive the car home and I just come pick you up when you're done?" She asks tiredly.

I roll my eyes and turn my head to look at her for a split second before focusing my eyes back on the road.



I take a deep breath as I gulp down my water. We had played three games and I was exhausted.

"Hey D, could I get a ride home? My car is in the shop." Tandy asks me while picking up his duffle bag.

"Yeah, Mani's picking me up today though." I say picking up my own duffle bag.

"Oh that is definitely fine with me." He says while licking his lips playfully.

I immediately slap him on the side of his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He says with his hands up in surrender while laughing.

"Dinah must have finally got herself a fine ass girlfriend?" Chris walks over.

"Man her girl is beyond fine." Tandy says grinning.

I shoot him a glare and he quickly stops grinning.

"I don't believe that...all of Dinah's past girlfriends were either crazy or ugly." Chris says as three of my other guy friends walk up.

"What we talking about?" Leo asks.

"Tandy over here talking about how fine Dinah's girl we both know that's not true." Chris tells him while laughing.

"Okay first..." I hold my index finger up for emphasis.

"She's not my 'girl', she's my FIANCÉ. Second...she's not some girl on the street that you call 'fine', she's BEAUTIFUL." I say with confidence.

As if on cue I hear a car beep and someone opening a car door.

"As a matter of fact that's my baby right there." I smile.

"We'll see." Chris rolls his eyes and waves a hand at me.

As she got out of the car I saw that she was still wearing what she wore to work this morning. It was a pinkish-nude dress that stopped mid-thigh and hugged her curves perfectly.

I licked my lips. I had to admit, my baby was fucking it up today.

"Hey baby!" She says as she walks up to hug me

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"Hey baby!" She says as she walks up to hug me.

While hugging her I look up to see everyone's mouth slightly parted.

When she pulls back from the hug I lean in to kiss her. It quickly turns into a full out make out session.

I even reach down to grip her ass just to get a reaction out of the boys.

She pulls back from the kiss out of breath and looks to my friends.

"Who's your friends?" She asks smiling.

"Uh I'm uh Leonard but you can call me Leo." He says as he pushes Chris out of the way while holding his hand out for Normani to shake.

"Uh hi?" She chuckles as she shakes his hand.

Chris suddenly pushes Leo back out of the way.

"Hi I'm Chri-" He gets interrupted by Leo tackling him to the ground.

"Okay, it's time to go. You ready Tandy?" I ask grabbing Normani's hand leading her back to the car.

"Yeah." He says laughing hardly.

"Wait babe, I wanted you to teach me how to play basketball." Normani says as she pulls me back to the court.

"Okay?" I say awkwardly.

"Hey Tandy, pass me the ball." I ask and catch the ball when he throws it to me.

I get behind her and position her hands on the ball to shoot.

"So when you shoot the ball, you're going to have one hand on the side and one hand on top." I explain.

"After that, you just flick your wrist." I say and helping her make the shot.

After the ball goes through the hoop I see something drop on the ground. I curiously walk over to see what it was.

As I walk closer I see that it was a pregnancy test that reads positive.

"This is so weird! Who would put a pregnancy test in a basketball net?" I ask but hear nothing.

When I look up I see all of my friends laughing and smiling. I see Normani smiling with her hands over her mouth.

She walks up to me and picks up the pregnancy test.

"Were having a baby!" She says, tears rolling down her face while smiling.

My mouth forms an o shape and I viscously shake my head back and forth.

"You're lying! You've got to be lying." I feel myself tear up.

" you're going to be a daddy literally." She laughs. "There's going to be a little Dinah running around here soon." She smiles adoringly.

"So you guys planned all this?" I motion to my friends.

"Everything." Tandy says smiling.

This chapter is bad I know.

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~ Cierra Monaé

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