Chapter 38

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(A/N: Sorry, didn't proofread 😬)

"I want you to make love to me. Please?" Normani speaks with not lust, but love. She feels as if they've just been "fucking." In Normani's opinion, they had never "made love" the correct way. Of course excluding the night that Dinah had asked for her hand in marriage.

Normani watches Dinah's face break out into a grin. "Of course I will. I'm going to take my time make you feel the deep affection that I have for you; all night long if I have to." Dinah expresses, locking her eyes with Normani's as she tucks a stray hair behind her ear from Normani's face.

"I-I want to try something new. Is that okay with you?" Normani stutters, silently cursing to herself for being so nervous. Although, she didn't understand why she was nervous at all. They were engaged and had a baby on the way, but Dinah still had managed to make her nervous.

Dinah immediately senses her nervousness. She reaches to cup her chin, also while sneaking her arm around her waist, bringing Normani in closer. "I know you're nervous. Don't be." Dinah elucidates.

Normani only blinks as Dinah speaks to her. She only stares at her in awe while running her eyes over Dinah's features. Normani had never taken the time to examine how beautiful Dinah was and boy did she hate herself for it.

"You're so beautiful." Normani articulates, her hand reaching to caress the taller girls' cheek. Even though she didn't show it, Dinah has multiple insecurities about herself. Who hasn't? However, with Dinah having her condition, the role of insecurity was ten times worse for her.

Dinah beamed at her fiancée's words. "Thanks but you're gorgeous." She replies. Now it was Normani's turn to beam in adoration. They sit there for awhile; staring at each other in endearment. That moment ends when Dinah swiftly creates an idea in her mind.

She moves quickly to grab her phone from her pocket. Normani instantly furrows her eyebrows and is ready to create trouble about Dinah being on her phone. Her mood then softens when she sees Dinah hook her phone to their portable speaker. Before she presses play to the song that she has chosen, she turns back to Normani.

"I've been listening to this song lately. And...every time I listen to the lyrics, I think of you." Dinah smiles very widely at Normani. "It's only right that we listen to it while I make love to you." Her voice then becomes deep, masking it with a sexual tone that she knows Normani loves.

Her finger hovers over the screen before she finally presses play. Dinah grins in awe as Beyoncé's beautiful voice fills her ears.

Let me sit this ass on you
Show you how I feel
Let me take this off
Will you watch me
That's mass appeal

Dinah makes her way back over to Normani, eyeing her with intimacy. She hovers over her, lips right above her ear. Suddenly, Dinah grabs the darker girls' hand to spin her around; her front now pressed up against her lovers backside.

Normani groans at their new position with warmth. "I love you so much, Normani." Dinah whispers in her ear. Normani's head automatically tilts to the side before she feels the major softness of Dinah's lips. She leaves tiny kisses in different areas of the shorter girls' neck. "More," Normani complains at how small the kisses were that the taller girl had left. Dinah smirks as she grants Normani's wish, her teeth and tongue becoming involved.

Don't take your eyes
Don't take your eyes off it
Watch it, babe
If you like, you can touch it baby
Do you, do you wanna touch it, baby

Normani felt like she had waited long enough. She turns around quickly and pushes against Dinah's chest, the tan girl falling on the bed. She looks up in amusement. "A little impatient, eh?" The blonde chuckles. "Just shut up and kiss me." Normani groans after climbing into Dinah's lap to straddle her.

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