- NINE -

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I took my time walking back to Adrian's apartment, taking in everything that had happened tonight. Why would he still love me? After everything, I thought he would hate me. Ha! Well he will when he finds about Matilda. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I opened the door to Adrian's spare room. "Rose?" a voice said which I quickly recognized was Scott, "Is that you?"

I nodded my head and then realized he couldn't hear a nod. "Yeah," I finally said, shrugging off my jacket and slipping it over the end of the bed.

"Where did you go?" he asked as I watched him sit up. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face. The sun had gone down and I came to the conclusion that I had been out all night... or day. Ugh. I hate the moroi timetable.

"Just for a walk," I said and he nodded, "I couldn't sleep."

"Have you been crying?" he asked standing from the bed.

"I'm fine," I whispered and he wrapped his arms around my body. He was like my safety blanket. "I love you," I said as he nuzzled his chin into my hair.

"I love you too." I relaxed under his touch, we stood like that for a while before he unwrapped his arms from around me.

"Do you want to meet my parents?" I said, realizing that I had yet to see my mother and Abe. His cheesy grin made me laugh.

I quickly showered and ate before bidding farewell to Adrian who was sprawled out on the living room floor watching some TV show. We walked hand in hand to the general reception and we waited in silence as the receptionist finished up with one of the teachers.

"Can I help you?" she said, she was young and her lipstick was bright red. I would never let my child wear red lipstick like that. But then again what kind of mother am I?

"I am looking for either Guardian Janine Hathaway or Abe Mazur," I said as I folded my arms over the desk.

She flashed her fangs, "I am sorry, Guardian Hathaway is on her day off, and Mr Mazur is in a meeting."

"Look doll face, I want to see them..."

"Rose!" I was cut off by Lissa's soft but authoritative voice, "What are you doing?"

"Liss," I said turning around, "I'm looking for my mother and Abe."

She looked at me and then to Scott, I have yet to introduce the two. Note to self; do that. "You'll find them both in the gym," she said as she looked Scott up and down, "You are?" she said putting her hand out for him to shake.

I spoke before he did, "I'll explain later highness." I thanked her before quickly walking away, dragging Scott like a child away from the situation.

We bypassed many students as we walked through the courtyard. I smiled to myself as I watched the novices participating in their training. I remember when I was in their shoes. That was before we ran away, before I fell in love and before I became a mother. Back when things were easier.

We walked into the gym, my eyes were drawn to my father sitting against the wall with a novel in his hands. If I didn't know any better I would have said that Dimitri was rubbing off on my dad. My eyes then flicked to the fiery red head laying punches into a punching bag.

Scott followed me over to my mother and I could see the beads of sweat on the back of her neck, on top of the many molnija marks, just like mine. "Poor form," I said and she stopped. She was obviously going to turn around and tell me off.

When her eyes met mine her face dropped. "Your back," she said bending down and picking up her bottle of water off the mat.

"Yep," I said, "Got back a couple days ago."

"I know," she said, "Dimitri told me." I said no words, all I did was blink. "ABE!" she shouted. His face looked up from his book and when he looked to me he smiled.

"Rose," he said and I smiled.

"Hey old man," I said pulling him into a hug. "Scott these are my parents, Abe and Janine," I said, Scott shook my father's and put his hand out to shake my mother's. She looked at his hand as if it was a foreign object. "Mum, Abe, this is my boyfriend Scott."

My mother shook her head and went back to punching her bag. After our little reunion and I apologised immensely for running off, Abe asked if he could take a 'stroll' with Scott. I was a bit apprehensive but I let it go. I sat on the floor by the mat, "How long are you here for?" Janine asked as her fist collided with the bag.

"I don't know, why?" I picked at the frayed edge of the padded mat.

"You left your duty as a guardian and went gallivanting off and making boyfriends." I knew that was coming.

"Boyfriend." I corrected, "And besides what does it matter to you anyway, you never care about what I do unless it reflects back on you."

She gave me a deadly stare, "I don't know why they let you back in through the gates," she said not looking at me. It felt like she had been waiting to say that to me for the last eighteen year.

I sighed and stood from the mat, "Whatever," I muttered.

I began walking out the door before Janine shouted, "Stop running away!" I shook my head refusing to give her the satisfaction of getting a reply.

A/N Take a look, and a minute to read over the few chapters of the other attempt at a story. It is called Damsel in Distress. Thanks for the support.


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