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"Ready to go?" Adrian asked, slipping his feet into a pair of converse shoes.

"Yeah," I said answering for both Scott and I.

"Let's go then."

Scott and I followed behind Adrian towards the official meeting room where all of the important briefings and meetings are held. I hadn't been in there since I ran away from the academy the second time. When I got back from trying to find Dimitri when he was turned strigoi, my mother and the headmistress at the time, Kirova, were applauding me for my efforts. But all of the applauding in the world wouldn't make up for the trouble I was in, for running away a second time. Though I technically didn't run away because I was eighteen.

Just like all of the applauding I received back then wouldn't make up for Matilda going missing now.

Nothing had changed on the inside. The walls were the same shade of deep red and the tables were still the same polished and brown stained wood that I remember. It was like reliving a distant dream or having déjà vu. A big circle table sat in the middle of the room and chairs surrounded it. Lissa was already seated, with Christian sitting on her right and some guardian I hadn't seen before was sat on her left. As I looked around the room guardians were stood having private discussions. A few other seats were already taken in the room, Lissa gestured for us to be seated next to Christian and I happily obliged. Adrian sat next to Christian and I sat in between Adrian and Scott.

"Okay, can all of you take a seat please?" Lissa said without shouting but having a stern yet completely enunciated and audible voice. Everyone began to take their seats, I glanced up at the open door and Dimitri walked in. He took his stance at the door like he always did. I think it gave him reassurance that he was able to be the first person in attack mode if anything was to happen, even though it wouldn't.

I looked around at the people seated, all of these people were involved in the search for my daughter. Amongst them were my mother and father, they sat side by side and my mother looked like she was here on business, but I guess she doesn't know that the victim is her granddaughter. "Okay, so we are all here to discuss one thing. Matilda Smith's disappearance." Smith? What?! The name rang through my mind on repeat.

It took me a second to realize that they gave her a substitute surname. "Okay, we'll start at the beginning. Dimitri will you start?" Lissa asked. She gave him a questioning look and I wanted to run around to him and erase the crease in between his brows with my thumb.

"No-one has seen Till since July 1st at around 1:30 am. Witnesses say that she was in 4th period but after gym she went to shower during lunch before returning to class. After that she was supposed to go to 5th period English, but she never showed. When she didn't turn up to the training session I held after class I went looking for her. When I got to her dorm room the door was slightly open and when I walked in, the room was a mess and there was blood on the mirror where it looks like her head had been smashed against it." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and I held my breath to stop the tears from streaming down my face.

Scott's grip on my hand tightened, I looked over at Adrian who looked distraught. I placed my hand on his shoulder to show that it was going to be okay, even though I wasn't sure if it was. He turned to me and mouthed I'm sorry I gave him a sad smile and he placed his hand on my knee for a second before looking back to Lissa. I leaned my head on Scott's shoulder and we waited for Lissa to start talking again.

"Almost eighteen years ago we had a case where strigoi were using humans to break the wards of the academy. We think that this time strigoi have used moroi to successfully take Matilda." Memories of the last time I saw Dimitri fight before he was turned strigoi flashed through my mind. I looked over to Dimitri who was already looking at me. I knew that he was having the same thoughts.

Lissa looked at Adrian who cleared his throat. "Last night I was able to walk in her dreams, she is alive but she is terrified." WHAT?! "I asked her where she was and she thinks she is in Spokane." I clenched my jaw. Spokane. Kidnapping. I think I know where she is.

Memories of Mason's lifeless body in my arms flashed through my mind. The nightmare that I survived long ago replayed in my brain on repeat. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I pulled my hand out of Scott's. My eyes were welled with tears and if I blinked they would spill. "I need some air." I whispered into Scott's ear before standing from the chair and glancing down at Adrian, he gave me an understanding look. My eyes met Dimitri's for a second and his look turned from one of confusion to extreme worry. "I'll be back," I muttered to anyone who was listening. I began my retreat to the door. Dimitri reached for my arm but I shook him off giving him a warning glance. He released his hand on my arm and I was out of there.

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