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"Do I have any siblings?" She said after a few hours of silence. She laid on the floor and I laid on the mattress.

"No," I replied. I hesitated, "But I have a boyfriend, we have been together for about 6 years."

"What's his name?"

"Scott, you'd like him," I answered, "He reminds me of your father."

"Where have you been for the last sixteen years?" she asked. There was no judgement, unlike before.

I was quiet for a second before saying, "New York." She avoided eye contact, "That's where you were born." I continued.

Scott's POV

I ran my tongue along the edge of the envelope before sealing it and handing it to Dimitri. "If anything should happen to me, give this to Rose."

"If anything happens to me, tell her I will always watch over her." He replied before taking the envelope and sticking in inside his bag. "Here." He said pulling a silver stake out and handing it to me. He looked me in the eyes, "Don't hesitate."

I never though in a million years I would be grateful for him. Dimitri would do anything to help her and that's what she needs.

Rose's POV

A few more hours passed and I answered every question she asked. Secrets is what got us here in the first place. "Are we going to die?" she asked, sitting up to look at me.

"I won't let them hurt you again." I replied. She smiled as the door opened and four strigoi walked in. Even if we had a stake each we would stand no chance.

Melissa stood in the doorway and smirked down at us, "So, we are moving you Rose because we know that you have obviously told people that this is where you coming." As if right on cue a thud emitted from upstairs. "Stay here." She said to one of the strigoi and the rest of them followed her in a blur.

He took a step towards me and I smiled. He lunged forward and I bend down, kicking his legs out from underneath him. He was on his back, but less that a second later he was up on his feet. He attempted to right hook me, but lucky for me he steps before he hits. I ducked with ease. He turned to face me and I used my lack of height to tackle him to the floor. He threw me off and jumped to his feet.

He began to walk towards Tilly, I wasn't quick enough.

She through her fist forward, he pushed it to the side as his foot connected with her knee. The cracking sound rattled throughout the basement, I got to my feet and ran at the strigoi. I jumped on his back in a piggy back motion. I dug my fingers into his eyes, I looked up just in time to see Dimitri fling a silver stake through the air, hitting the strigoi right on the mark. "Carry her out of here, he broke her knee. I'll cover you," I found myself having to be thrown into guardian mode.

I bent down and pulled to stake out of his chest and walking up the stairs. I threw a glance over my shoulder at Dimitri who held a sobbing Tilly in his arms. Before I could register what was happening, a strigoi was running straight at us. I through the stake as Dimitri had before and hit him in the heart. I watched him fall to the ground, dead. I pulled the stake out again and walked into the room where the exit could be found.

A group of guardians fought a few strigoi while Christian attacked one with fire magic and Adrian worked on staking him. I looked around at the falling strigoi and began to walk towards the door, "Take another step Rose and I'll break his neck." I turned around and found Melissa holding Scott in the air by his throat. All of the strigoi had fallen except for Melissa.

"Everyone can leave, except for Rose, and when they are gone I'll let him go."

"No." Scott said, a breathless sound erupted instead of words. "Rose don't."

"Okay." I said without thinking. In a heartbeat, the stake Scott held in his hand was bought up and pierced through his chest. He plunged the stake deep into himself and I felt my world crumble down around me.

I watched as Melissa let him drop to the floor. She was immediately ignited as Adrian drove a stake through her heart.

I ran past everyone and to Scott. I found myself repeating the word 'no' in a broken voice. As tears streamed down my face Scott grabbed my hand. "You're going to be okay." I said and he smiled.

"I am the luckiest man alive." He whispered. I held his body tight in my grasp as he took his final breaths.

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