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Rose's POV

Small patting on my knee woke me from my slumber, I was met with the most stunning set of blue eyes in the world. "Mummy told me to tell you dinner is ready."

I reached down and picked up the small 5 year old in my arms. "I missed you Kane." He nuzzled his head into my chest as I squeezed him tighter.

"Mum told me that Uncle Scott isn't coming home."

I shook my head, "No, he isn't sweet heart."

"I'm going to miss him."

"Me too."

Placing a kiss to his forehead, I looked up at the doorway to find Dimitri watching Kane and I. "Let's go Kane," I said, standing from the place I had fallen asleep. Kane linked his hand with mine as we walked into the dining room.

I sat with Kane on my right and Dimitri sat on my left. Plates filled with spaghetti were placed in front of us as Chris sat opposite Kane. "Hey Rosie," Chris said.

"Hey," I said as Louise sat opposite me.

I sat awkwardly at the table while everyone ate their dinner. I had no appetite and I found myself flicking spaghetti around my plate with my fork. This was Scott's favourite meal, he loves spaghetti and then afterward pigging out on the garlic bread that was sure to follow. Well, he did love it.

"Excuse me," I said, standing from me seat with my plate in my hands. I sat it on the bench in the kitchen before going to my room.

That was a bad idea.

Scott's jacket sat on the end of our bed. I picked it up and nuzzled my face into the coat. It smelt of his cologne, I slipped it over the top of my shirt and zipped it up. I snuggled under the covers on our bed with my earphones in my ears. I fell asleep blasting Pink's 'truth about love' album.

My slumber was short lived as I was awoken by a thump coming from downstairs. I checked tried to check the time on my phone but it had gone flat. I looked at Scott's alarm clock, 4 am.

I wandered downstairs to find Chris sitting at the kitchen table with a half empty bottle of whiskey in front of him. "I can't believe he is actually gone." Chris said without looking at me.

"Me either."

"How are you doing?" he asked, his words were slurred so I knew he was drunk.

I took a seat opposite him and took a mouthful of the liquor in front of him. I stared blankly at the bottle of alcohol. "How am I supposed to live without him? He has been my constant." I said, taking another mouthful, "I guess everything good in my life has a habit of being taken from me."

"He wouldn't want you thinking like that."

"How else am I supposed to think? He killed himself. It wasn't a strigoi, it was his right hand." I rubbed my eyes with my fists.

After a while he said, "Who is the dhampir upstairs?"

"Dimitri, he is my girl's father." Chris nodded.

"How is she?" Chris asked.

"She was a bit banged up but otherwise okay," I replied. Note to self; call Adrian and check on her.

"That's good." He said.

"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back a bit later." I said, standing from the table and walked towards the door. I needed to get out of this house. Everything here is a constant reminder of what I have lost in my life.

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