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Dimitri's POV

I sat on the couch opposite Rose and watched her as she napped. She hasn't moved from her spot since we got here and that was over three hours ago, she has barely said a word except for when necessary and it breaks my heart.

"Here," Louise said as she handed me a glass of water.

"Rose is abnormally quiet," I said as I thanked her. She frowned.

"What do you mean?" Louise looked at Rose and then back at me.

"She hasn't said anything since we got back."

"For as long as I can remember Rose has always been quiet. She always has something on her mind whether it be work or something else, and she was never really big on emotions. That is, until she met Scott. He makes her happy in ways I cannot understand."

"She never used to be like this, the Rose that I loved was always smiling and laughing, I miss her," I said, looking away from Louise and back to my water.

"People change Dimitri, Rose has been through so much, it would be worrying if it hadn't affected her at all." I nodded my agreeance, but it doesn't make it any less strange. "I assume you aren't going back to Montana tonight," Louise said and I nodded, "Let me show you to the spare room."

I followed her up the stairs and into a hallway. There were photo's along the walls, in them was Scott, Rose, Louise and who I presumed was her husband and son. She opened the door at the end of the hall and gestured for me to enter. Inside was a beautiful four post double bed with a matching cupboard and dresser. "You're welcome to stay for as long as you want, I'll get you some of Chris's clothes. The shower is right over there," she said pointing back into the hallway, "Dinner will be at about 7."

"Louise," I said and she stopped in the door way, "Thank you," she frowned, "Not just for the room, but for looking after Rose."

She smiled and continued her pursuit into the hallway. Minutes later she returned with some clean clothes and a towel. She assured me that I could use whatever was in the bathroom and that while I was staying here it was my home too.

Adrian's POV

I stood by the door as I waited for Tilly to get out of surgery. Lissa offered and part of me wanted to say yes but I know the effect it has on her and I won't let her if it isn't totally necessary.

The nurse walked up to me and told me that she was out of surgery now and that I could go and see her. The strigoi had broken her leg clean in half, I am no expert in medical jargon but I understand that they had to piece it back together during surgery so it would heal properly.

"Hey Till," I said, standing at the door. She looked tired, the bites on her neck had bruised and she could grow potatoes in the bags under her eyes. She smiled her reply. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Sore," she said, "But I'm okay."

I took a seat by her side at the bed and wrapped her small hands in mine. "I was so worried about you kid."

She didn't say anything for a second. "Is my mother here?" I frowned, "Rose, I mean."

I was initially taken aback, "You know about her?"

"She told me," Tilly replied.

I nodded, "No, she isn't here, she and Dimitri are in New York planning Scott's funeral." She nodded at my statement.

"I had no idea that Dimitri was my father," she whispered once the nurse had left.

"That's the way Rose wanted it, Dimitri really hurt her," I found myself saying. It wasn't just for her benefit, it was for mine as well. It was to remind me that Dimitri was the reason she left and now she is off with him after 17 years.

"I know, she told me everything. About how he hurt her and about how you promised to look after me." I looked down at our hands.

"I did a poor job."

"No, you did the best."

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